How to Improve Your Essay Writing Skills

Jozef Behr
2 min readNov 2, 2022


Essay writing is a requirement for the majority of academic topics.It takes solid English communication abilities and the capacity to clearly express your ideas while persuading the reader that you are an authority on the subject. Jozef Behr talks about the some pointers we’ve put together with assistance from a prep school in Surrey, whether you’re writing an essay for the first time or you just want to sharpen your writing abilities.Learn more about how to write better essays by reading on.

Carefully read the question.:

Sounds straightforward enough, yet it’s simple to err!When answering an essay question, it’s very simple to get sidetracked and depart from the original topic (or even misunderstand it completely).

Read sample responses :

It can be difficult to know where to begin while writing an essay.It can be a significant task, but knowing how to approach it will help you get through this difficulty.If you’ve never written an essay before, other samples can be a terrific inspiration.You can utilise them to get a better idea of how yours should be structured and what language to employ, among other things.

Leave the Introduction for Last

It’s a strange concept to get your head around but it can help you to create a powerful introduction as you will know exactly what you’re introducing. It can also save you time. As mentioned before, the hardest part is often starting and not having to create an introduction can take some weight off so that you can focus on the actual substance.

Read once, then read it again.

Any type of literary writing requires proofreading.Your major concern while writing off the top of your head is to recall everything, not your spelling (or any part of SPAG for that matter).You aren’t terrified by what you’ve written until you go back and reread.By doing this, you will have the chance to edit your work to remove any errors and make it more readable and less wordy.

Originally published at on November 2, 2022.

