You Should Know About These Manipulative Techniques

It is essential to guard your values.

Jozef Lami
5 min readNov 25, 2021
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
— Steve Jobs

During my career, I mainly worked for startups with really ambitious CEOs. I often find myself in a stressful situation that results in burnout-like scenarios. In general, Managers are good at persuasion, but there is a fragile barrier between management and manipulation.

I understand managing as helping others with soft skills, time management, priorities, and communication between different parties.

In my opinion, the situation starts to go the wrong way when someone assumes that subordinates are incompetent and need to take decision-making into his own hands without consulting others.

This is my list of frequent manipulation techniques:

Will you finish it today or tomorrow?

Have you ever got two options and both wrong? You need to understand that this is nothing else than an attempt to force you to accept their conditions. Usually, it ends up with unpaid overtime. It can be tough to keep your integrity and say, “No, it will take next month!”

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