The Realtime “why, how, where, who and when” in less than 5 minutes

Or how Theo Priestley made me stop and think about my product story

João Parreira
5 min readMay 26, 2015

Yesterday I’ve read a great post from Theo Priestley about “Why Silicon Valley Tech Companies Can’t Tell Their Own Story”.

He said:

Tech companies really struggle to get away from the product detail and just tell a story.

Guilty as charged.

As the CTO for the Realtime Platform, Tech Evangelism is a good part of my job and Theo’s words made me think I was probably falling into the same trap he so wisely mentions in his post.

Is my “deep technical passion in the product itself” not allowing “the solution to come alive”?

Are the new prospects sitting in front of me misunderstanding the Realtime “story” because I’m not being clear on the “why, how, where, who and when” behind the Realtime Platform Services?

Theo urged Tech Evangelists to tell him:

why your product exists
how it can resolve a pain or need, and how it can make a difference
where the value in using the solution or service comes from
who will it help the most, and who has it already helped
when can I get my hands on it, and when will it make a difference

Well AFAIC, the challenge was accepted.

This post is a tech guy attempt of telling you the Realtime Messaging story in less than 5 minutes (I know Theo didn’t define a maximum “story-telling” time but I’m guessing he has a busy life …)

Why Realtime Messaging exists

Mobile apps and websites are becoming increasingly collaborative. Users expect to be able to interact in real-time with live data and with other users in the context of that data. Whether it’s a TV channel second-screen mobile app, a multi-player online game or a line-of-business team management website, just to mention a few use cases.

This intensive collaboration between users means millions of messages being routed through global networks in a split second. It requires scalable, secure and fast communications between different devices with different capabilities. From powerful laptops to small sensors and trendy wearables.

The Realtime Messaging exists as a cloud service to enable this inter-device communication in a simple and cost effective way.

How it can resolve a pain or need, and how it can make a difference

Scalability is hard and cannot be an afterthought. Apps must be ready to scale when demand spikes and users will be quite unforgiving for sluggish apps that just won’t work properly every single time.

In Realtime we often see companies complaining that they have built their own messaging platforms, sometimes using popular open-source software, and while everything was working perfectly in the development and testing stages, failed blatantly under real production load.

In the midst of all this pain they have found themselves draining precious resources and attention that should have been used to improve their app’s unique features instead.

Focus is about saying no.
Steve Jobs

The Realtime Messaging service is auto-scalable and already handles over 500 million monthly active users. It can remove your scalability pains and return your team focus to what really matters, your app and your distinctive features.

Understanding that you don’t need to build the entire software stack yourself can make a lot of difference between launching or ditching your app with a bang.

Where the value in using Realtime Messaging comes from

Every minute in the Realtime Messaging Engineering team is spent improving performance, availability and the ability to scale at huge scale, while delivering the results through a simple cloud service with a clear API.

It’s a specialized work made my specialized people.

Use the Realtime Messaging service in your app and this specialized engineering team will be a part of your specialized team too. This has great value.

Our experience and know-how, embodied in the services we develop and manage, will be yours too. The fact that this battle hardened experience will be free while you are in the development stages of your app has great value.

The fact that it will reduce your overall cost of ownership when you’re ready for production has great value.

The fact that Realtime solves your inter-device messaging problems with a ready-to-use API, embodying modern security and state-of-the-art distributed infrastructure has lots of value.

Who will Realtime help the most and who has it already helped

Startups love Realtime for the competitive pricing.
Corporate companies love Realtime for the high-availability through multiple data-centers.
Both love Realtime for the performance and extensive feature set.

During these 4 years since launching Realtime helped startups and corporate companies around the world building engaging modern apps where inter-device communication is at the core.

WebSpectator, BuddyTruk, Emplo, IG, Playrix, Kerad Games, Diário Económico, HereOnBiz, TenAcreApps, Banco do Brasil, Portugal Telecom, MEO and NOS are just a few examples taken from the 5,000+ live apps using Realtime today.

Some are startups in their first year. Others are corporate companies leading their markets. One is a leading internet portal and another is even the largest Latin-American bank with 40 million clients and 85 billion US Dollars in assets. A heterogeneous group of great customers.

Some pay only a few dollars per month. Some a few thousand.

Some didn’t have the funds to develop a full-fledged scalable messaging platform. Some had, but couldn’t afford the long time to market. Some knew it’s not wise to reinvent the wheel.

The bottom line is they all have great engaging collaborative apps, from games to home-banking tools. All using Realtime.

When can I get my hands on it, and when will it make a difference

Realtime Messaging is a cloud service with a pay-as-you-go pricing structure and a free development tier. You only pay for what you really use.

Simply subscribe the free plan at and start using it. No strings attached.

Now it would be a good time.



João Parreira

Software Development Manager at Amazon. Husband, father, christian, passionate about highly-distributed systems and Fender Stratocasters.