Studying Abroad Changed My Life

Jenna Patawaran
4 min readApr 5, 2024


As college students, we’re constantly seeking opportunities to expand our horizons, both academically and personally. An opportunity that holds the potential for transformative growth is studying abroad.

Last fall quarter, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy and it changed my life. In the beginning, I felt anxious and scared. I had never left home before. I had never been anywhere outside of the U.S. and to go without family seemed overwhelming. I kept asking myself what if I miss out on things back home? What if I really can’t do something like this on my own?

However, from the moment I stepped off the plane and breathed in the scent of Italian espresso and freshly baked pastries, I knew that I was in for an unforgettable experience.

During my time in Florence, I immersed myself in the rich history, art, and culture of the city. From exploring iconic landmarks such as the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio to wandering through the narrow cobblestone streets lined with centuries-old buildings, every moment felt like a scene straight out of a postcard.

Viewpoint at the Boboli Gardens
Ponte Vecchio

But beyond the beauty of the city, studying abroad provided me with invaluable opportunities for personal growth. I started to cook more for myself, learn how to navigate through the city on my own, open myself up more to new experiences and people, etc.

Group Photo in front of the Statue of David

Additionally, living and studying alongside students from diverse backgrounds and cultures enriched my understanding of the world and broadened my perspective in ways I never could have imagined. I even started to pick up simple phrases in the local language, which added an extra layer of immersion to my experience and helped me connect with the community on a deeper level.

As I reflect on my time in Florence, I am filled with gratitude for the memories, experiences, and lessons that I will carry with me for a lifetime. Studying abroad was more than just spending a quarter of college in a foreign country — it was a transformative journey that challenged me outside of my comfort zone, embrace new adventures, and grow as an individual.

Here are a few highlights from my time abroad:

My parents came to visit toward the end of my trip :)

Weekend Trips!

Copenhagen Denmark
London: Visting Big Ben
My roommates and I taking on Rome

I loved learning more about the culture: art, music, food, history, EVERYTHING!

Florence Duomo
BEST GELATO SPOT: Gelateria Santa Trinita
Truffle Pasta became my favorite!
“La Primavera” Painting: Sandro Botticelli

If you are a college student weighing the possibility of studying abroad during your four years, let me assure you: it’s an experience worth embracing. Despite any apprehensions or uncertainties swirling around in your mind, I can confidently say that taking the leap to study abroad will be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll ever make. While the doubts may linger, once you step into the world beyond your comfort zone, you’ll discover new opportunities and create experiences that you’ll never forget. This is your sign to just go for it!

