Are You taking Advantage of The Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Juan Pablo Casabianca
4 min readAug 17, 2017


So, if you haven’t heard of the Fourth Industrial Revolution you’re lucky my friend. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a revolution like nothing you’ve seen because it combines the physical, digital, and biological worlds with the help of technology. My brother studied computer science at Sheffield University in England, and he would talk to me all the time about how he was competing in a Turing Test and how Alan Turing was a genius! Why not do a little research for the guy who basically invented computers?

Turns out The Turing starts when a bunch of judges start asking questions to a screen. The screen responds the questions and after a long questionnaire, the judges must decide if a machine or a person is responding the questions. BTW, no one has passed it… (Click Here if you wanna know more about it) but we’ll eventually get there (Really Soon). And what does Alan Turing, my computer science brother and the fourth revolution have in common?



Yeah… Information! The raw data for the first revolution was coal to power Mechanization and Hydroelectricity. The second industrial revolution had oil and even more energy to create mass production and the assembly line ( a Little gift from our friend Henry Ford). Then came computers and computation where data and information started to shine. In the past 20 years, humans have made more advances in technology than all of history! The raw data for the fourth revolution is Information. Today’s giant tech companies are valued at higher prices than companies in traditional sectors thanks to intellectual property.

All that intellectual property, goodwill, and information are intangible are huge creative forces waiting to be materialized and sold as a transfer of mainly… Information. Mark Zuckerberg can be named one of the most powerful men alive. The guy has access to the information his company gives him about the more than 1 Billion users he currently mines for data. Advances in technology let us process that information in a more organized and agiler way! Here’s where Alan Turing enters the picture…

AI and Machine Learning are what power the new hybrid machines that have the responsibility to process data and information at incredible speeds. Todays Data Scientists earn incredible salaries because they’re inventing ways to accomplish amazing processes at light speed and at a lower price.

How do intellectual property, creative content, and information relate?

Intellectual property extends from information. It’s someone creating new ways to process information and make awesome stuff, providing other people access and the instructions needed to DIY. Content Creation, therefore, is really important to supply that information in a way that is attractive to people. Today’s creative departments in companies are equally important than the traditional finance and legal back office. And you know what’s the best part? You can access all the information you want thanks to the Internet of Things. So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Start mining that shit right now!

But before you start mining that data and information you must stop and think about the repercussions that it have on life as we know it. With the rise of intelligent machines and they’re replacement of human labor we can enter in the biggest crisis the world has ever seen! As our pals over at the Economic World Forum say:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about empowering people, not the rise of the machines“.

Our leaders, both public and private should address this issue and make all this information work for people and help make their lives a lot more awesome. The idea is to try not to replace humans after all. Passing Laws on this issue is of vital importance! An example of the dangers not only to our economic stability but to tech devices such as medical machines that can be hacked. We don’t want our future to be saved by a time traveling Arnold Schwarzenegger! (If you don’t know what Skynet is, we really strongly advise you click here and stop being a noob. We’re in the fourth industrial revolution).

But we must work together in the creation of a moral compass. We need to develop the unlimited white canvas we have with our creative capability thanks to these machines! We need to go beyond our wildest dreams as visionaries.

Let’s change the world together! We are awesome!


