Core Values

Julia Chou
3 min readFeb 23, 2019


This picture doesn’t provide any additional context to the post, I just like it

I recently went through the exercise of defining my own personal values, hoping to answer the fundamental questions of who I am, what I want, and what principles I stand for.

Though I don’t consider myself a particularly dogmatic person, I do believe that adhering to a system of values and ethics will provide direction, reducing passiveness and uncertainty and allowing me to instead move forth with a little more purpose, deliberation, and intent.

Essentially, this was an exercise to increase my self-awareness and be as honest as I can with myself.

Some of the questions I considered were as follows:

  • What characteristics do I admire in the people that I love and respect?
  • What are some unresolved issues I might regret when I die?
  • What are the things I consider essential in my life?
  • What are some of my happiest/saddest memories?

These questions prompted me to examine what characteristics are wholly and uniquely intrinsic to me, independent from external circumstances such as my occupation, salary, material possessions, social connections, age, gender, sexuality, nationality, or ethnicity.

By going through this exercise, I’ve compiled a list of values that resonate with me, and I will hold myself accountable to them. I also fully expect these values to evolve over time.

Continual Growth

I believe it’s important to constantly push myself to learn, change, and grow. I find it incredibly frustrating to look back at myself and see that my life progress and personal development have remained stagnant. I want to keep setting challenges for myself, constantly improve, and recognize and push past any limitations I’ve inherited or placed on myself. Right now, I rather hope that I don’t reach a stage in my life where I feel settled, comfortable, and secure.


It’s so important to have fun and seek out the small joys of everyday life! The times I’ve spent laughing and joking with friends are some of the happiest and most cherished memories I have.


I think it’s best to strive to place myself in an environment that increases the chance of collisions, of having my assumptions challenged, and of being exposed to new and unexpected perspectives. I want to learn new things, try new hobbies, meet new people, and hear new stories. In the process, I find myself constantly re-learning that the world is a truly unpredictable place that doesn’t conform to my expectations.


I value being appreciative, present, and aware. I think it’s counter-productive to allow my thoughts to stray too far into either the past or the future. I want to eliminate meaningless distractions in my life and instead focus on things that add purpose to my life.


I believe that ultimately, there is no meaning to life except in making a positive impact on others. I want to understand, help, and support other people. I want to empower and uplift those around me. I want to build meaningful relationships and truly appreciate moments of human connection.

In short, I want to do good, be good, and not be a dick.

As I said above, the above list is open to evolution and is certainly not exhaustive. These are just the top 5 values that resonate most closely to me in my life right now. I hope that by constantly re-evaluating these principles and holding myself true to them, I can build up the sort of character that I want.

