Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone Gave A Surprising Result

My Battle with the Worthy Pineapple

Jacquline Dacres
3 min readAug 17, 2023


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone Gave a Surprising Result

2023, Jacquline Dacres©

There has been a battle going on between myself and pineapples from as far back as I can remember. This is all because of the pineapple scent. That smell and I just can’t stand each other!

Everyone else in my immediate family eats pineapples. Whenever they are eating it, I excuse myself and go somewhere far away. If I don’t leave, I have this sensation in the pit of my stomach that I will vomit. It’s especially worse when they are peeling the pineapples. That smell…ugh!

Well, my sister came home last Wednesday with some pineapples already peeled and sliced. She placed the slices into one of those sealable containers and then placed the container inside the refrigerator. I ignored it as usual. Did I mention that I really dislike pineapples?

Two days later, I stumbled upon my sister eating a few slices of pineapple. When she saw me, she shoved the container in my direction.

“Have a slice,” she offered. And of course, my response was the usual, “Absolutely not. Never.”



Jacquline Dacres

Educator, writer & and author | Encouraging everyone to share their stories to educate and inspire others| Writes on mindset and personal growth.