A Canadian’s Perspectives on 9/11

5 min readSep 19, 2015


As a young man I have only recently been personally motivated to research the finer details of the events that occurred on 9/11. I was just 7 years old on September 11th, 2001 and was new to the Western World as my family had only immigrated from Korea to Canada earlier that year in May.

I remember small fragments of the emotional distraught that occurred throughout the world that day, but I distinctly remember my grandmother calling us from Seoul to make sure that our family wasn't part of that day’s tragedies. She was aware that we were living in Calgary, Alberta - a great 2400 miles away from the events at the World Trade Center, but the events of that day were so surreal and ‘catastrophical’ that she had to ensure of our safety. I think this memory is a testament of the difficulty in rationally dealing with the events of 9/11 and why even some of the most traditionally inquisitive minds have not been motivated to seek out the truths of what exactly may have unfolded on that day.

My Background

I am an undergraduate student from a Canadian University of over 16,000 other undergraduate students and I do not come from a particularly conspiratorial mindset. I enjoy playing Dota 2 and beer pong, and my favorite musician is Kendrick Lamar. I also wish to present you of an existing explanation for why it appears that many self-proclaimed academic people like myself have been encouraged precisely not to seek an inquiry into Truth.

My Motivation

A DEMOCRACY IS a society in which all adults have easily accessible, meaningful, and effective ways:

  1. to participate in the decision-making processes of every organization that makes decisions or takes actions that affect them, and;
  2. to hold other individuals, and those in these organizations who are responsible for making decisions and taking actions, fully accountable if their decisions or actions violate fundamental human rights, or are dishonest, unethical, unfair, secretive, inefficient, unrepresentative, unresponsive or irresponsible;

so that all organizations in the society are citizen-owned, citizen-controlled, and citizen-driven, and all individuals and organizations are held accountable for wrongdoing.

As an adult member of our proclaimed free, democratic Western society, I believe it to be my responsible civil duty to correct the misinformation and dishonesty of not only the political elite but also of the mass media. These deeply influential historical events that change the fundamental dynamics of our society should be brought into more clarity for the average citizen and objective civilian investigations should occur regarding events such as 9/11. This concerns the legitimacy of the government in which we rely on so heavily for our day-to-day lives.

It took me 14 long years to be motivated enough to really begin my own personal inquiry of the truths of 9/11, a day in which the US government claimed a series of mystical failures of its security measures, and the only documented instances of catastrophic steel-framed skyscraper ‘collapses’ caused by fire. I was luckily prompted to do a personal research into the truth by a close friend of whom I consider to be quite insightful, and I hope to pass it on and convince you as a fellow democratic citizen that you will recognize the value of doing a thorough personal research, or at least some simple google searches yourself.

Credible Sources

There is indeed difficulty in trying to naively research for truths regarding 9/11. Some reasons I can think of are the fact that partial truths (truths that only speak to a specific portion of the entire truth, not truths that are partly true) are stressed which leads many people to believe and understand only one perception of the entire reality, where if the public decided to research the smaller details that lead to the claim of that partial truth, they will realize the many logical inconsistencies.

Another reason is that it’s a well-known phenomenon that many people will try to ride the conspiracy train to attract attention to themselves, so people who have no factual claims try to prove their own theories of 9/11 through weak arguments which allows the US government to discredit conspiracy theorists as a whole by deconstructing their weaker arguments, compared to having to deal with the more factual arguments presented by academics. Many factual anomalies presented by scholars and professional are still unresponded to by the US government today, and as a Canadian I am truly baffled and even somewhat scared that this somehow came to be a reality in our world today.

Therefore, it’s important for us as free-thinking citizens to be able to deduce what constitutes a credible source, and what is not a credible source. If you believe that people of esteemed academic achievement and professional experience related to science, engineering and human societies will possibly have a more clear interpretation of what happened on 9/11, please check out 9/11: Decade of Deception, as I have found it to be a good starting point in understanding the realities of how unscientific the US government processes have been in the context of 9/11. The documentary 9/11 in the Academic Society is also of similar tone and my perceived credibility of the arguments presented.

Why is this still Important?

Crimes and their circumstances are traditionally more difficult to solve down to their most accurate truths as time wears on — blood evaporates, witness testimonies become less and less reliable, dust and memories fade into the wind. 9/11 will only appear to have less and less political and societal significance as time goes on, by when the conspirators will have fully enjoyed the results of committing such an inhuman crime on their own US citizens.

This deeply influential historical event that was used as justification to wage many wars was one that caused a social phenomenon where emotional reactions and suspensions of disbelief were so strong that it was largely deemed insensitive at the time to speak about the event as more than the narrative of what the US government (and therefore mainstream opinion) was trying to feed the rest of the world.

But as emotions fade, human brains are more able to rationally process events in a factual way that may lead to a more meaningful, scientific inquiry into truth as it may have unfolded. We can deduce more clearly now that there are many inconsistencies in the government’s explanations that does indeed warrant a further investigation. And I believe as an outsider of the US that it’s important that this issue is handled by the American generation that had many of its mothers and fathers lose their children in a poorly investigated government catastrophe. If you, as a modern day individual with full access to information on the internet lose this window of clarity where your rational mind is able to process realities before they fade into nostalgia, I fear that history will repeat itself.

