What Really Happens To Rubio’s MN Delegates

Jeff Kolb
2 min readMar 17, 2016


Since Marco Rubio suspended his campaign for president last night, many have wondered what happens to the delegates that he won in MN.

Cyndy Brucato from MinnPost wrote an inaccurate article attempting to answer this question today. It’s since been “updated”. I don’t know if it’s now correct or not. I didn’t bother to read the updates.

The real answer to the question is that it’s too early to know.

Rubio did not end his campaign for the presidency, he suspended it. It’s a distinction with a difference.

Generally the binding of delegates (how many rounds they are bound for, what happens when candidates drop etc) is governed by state parties. However MN is an interesting situation because the State Party failed to pass any rules prior to the straw poll this year.

The “rules” binding MN delegates are nothing more than an outline that was voted on by the State Executive Committee, which does not have the authority to create these types of rules.

Complicating matters is the State Party’s Constitution, which prohibits the binding of delegates elected at the Congressional district level. The party constitution may only be amended at a State Convention, and the only State Convention that is currently scheduled is the one where delegates will be elected. It’s unclear whether the constitution can be amended in a way that retroactively authorizes the binding of delegates who were elected at the congressional district convention.

The convention rules, the binding rules, and the failure to amend the constitution prior to the convention may end up being flash points at this year’s MNGOP state convention.

If I were advising any of the remaining (or suspended) campaigns I would encourage them to study the situation in MN- there may be ways to pick up delegates here, especially the 24 delegates elected at the Congressional District level.

The final points to remember are that the rules governing the Republican National Convention have not yet been adopted, and that the rules of the convention can always be suspended. There is plenty of time for rule changes both at the state and national level.

So anyone who tells you they know what will happen with the delegates in MN is either misinformed or misleading you.

The real answer is that it’s too early to tell.



Jeff Kolb

Crystal City Council. Semi-retired blogger. Yes, I’m rolling my eyes at you. Now please get off my lawn.