Top common real estate questions answered by JP Management LLC

JP Managment LLC
3 min readMar 15, 2022


Buying a new property is one of the most crucial decisions for anyone. Even if it’s commercial property or housing property, buying property can be a hectic task. Often people have tons of questions related to real estate when planning to buy a new property and the majority of these questions are common due to various reasons. If you are planning to sell a property or a real estate seller, John Pjeternikaj is resolving your most common queries related to real estate that can help you resolve queries.

The list of commonly asked real estate questions

How can you prepare your house before putting it on sale?

If you are planning to sell a property or your house, you are most likely to get inspection calls from customers. Therefore, your property needs to be in its best state to create a good impression on customers. First impressions are important, customers are likely to show interest if your property looks good. So, clean all the space and repair any plumbing or electricity or any other major issue.

How much time will it take to sell a property?

It depends on your property location, if your property is located in a prime area of your city, you will get buyers in no time, probably in 30 days. However, if your property is located in far-off areas or secluded areas, you might take some time to sell the property, such as 50 to 70 days or more. In addition, you can take help from real estate agents or companies such as JP Management LLC that can help you with the sale.

How should you set the price for your home?

Your home price will depend on CMA comparative market analysis. Your agent will decide the price based on CMA by analyzing houses in your neighborhood that have similar space, area, number of rooms, and bathrooms. The agent will check if they are recently sold and what the price is listed. After analysis and calculation, they will tell you to quote the best price.

Can real estate commissions be negotiated?

Yes! Real estate commissions can be negotiated. Some agents are willing to work with limited commissions and interest rates, you can negotiate with your agents or real estate agency according to your ways. Depending on your property, insurance agents might reduce commission, if your property is hard to sell or is located in a secluded area, you might have to negotiate accordingly.

Why does your home’s or private properties’ assessed value vary compared to market value?

The properties are assessed by a public tax assessor yearly for taxation purposes. The market value and assessed value differ as fair market value is a price agreed by a willing buyer and seller. For personal properties, the increased assessed value over years will increase their taxes however, it will also enhance its market value.

To wrap up — These are the most commonly asked real estate questions answered by John Pjeternikaj can help you resolve customer and seller queries. However, it is not limited to these, the queries can vary from person to person, these are majorly asked questions.



JP Managment LLC

A full-service, vertically integrated real estate investment company focused on multi-family residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties in New York.