8 Canadian podcast recommendations

James McKinney
2 min readFeb 21, 2018


2017 is the year I geeked out on Canadian podcasts, listening to some (or all!) episodes of about 65 podcasts. I wrote about a dozen favourites in April. Since then, I picked up eight more, including three I particularly like:

Another three are new with one or two episodes:

I’m going through the back catalogs of another two, though I’m not sure yet whether I’ll continue listening to new episodes:

  • Rebelliously Tiny, in each episode, discusses a submitted question with an invited guest that the host admires and trusts. (h/t XX Files)
  • ARTSCAPE is a community arts podcast “that looks at the creative people and happenings in and around Victoria, BC.” (h/t Canadaland)

Toward the end of 2017, I cut my subscriptions down to 20 podcasts, 16 of which are Canadian. Adding to the above, the other eight are:

Outside those subscriptions, I recommend the eight-episode series Missing & Murdered: Who Killed Alberta Williams?, and I look forward to the second season of Alone: A Love Story — both from CBC Radio.

