How Levi got hired in just one year

John Morris
4 min readJun 1, 2017


Got this from Levi:

“I appreciate the blunt honesty of your emails. One of the reasons why I’ve been so successful at anything I put my mind to is because I don’t waste my time trying to find the easiest or cheapest path there. I know that if I want to get good at something quickly, I need to put in the long hard hours as well as some dollar. It’s been a year now since I’ve started coding. I’ve probably spent well around 400 or so dollars on learning resources alone. I’ve had a Lynda subscription for about 5 courses, I’ve purchased over 25 courses on Udemy. I’ve purchased 5 books on programming, three of which are PHP and MySQL related and I currently have a Laracast subscription that I’m paying monthly for. It’s been a year and I’m already being paid by my current company (not a web development company) to develop a new online order entry system. Thank you for the encouragement over this past year.”

Now, some of you will find that inspiring.

Some, though, might be annoyed.

Like, “what the hell am I doing wrong?”

All I can really add to this is…


When you act, work hard and invest in yourself…

Pretty amazing what can happen…

And, how fast.

Just think about this from a purely black and white perspective. Levi invested 400 buqs in himself and, in a year, got an ROI that’s probably in the 1000s. I don’t know what they’re paying him, but I’d guess at least that.

That alone is worth the investment.

Not to mention, he learned skills that’ll make him 1000s more.

Just logically…

If you were a hard-nose, ROI-is-all-that-matters investor…

It’s still a great investment.

Not to mention how you’ll feel…

Not working some horrifying 9 to 5…

Not forced to let some clown boss you around…

Not feeling like you’ve failed…

How much is that worth?

Anyway, it’s as the saying goes: “fortune favors the bold”. If you take action, work hard and invest in yourself… you’ll find fortune suddenly turning in your favor (Big shocker, I know). And, who knows how fast you could be in the career you dream of… living the life you’ve always wanted.

Just gotta get after it.

Speaking of… one of the harder things to figure out for developers is the “back side” of techincal programming… that is, once you’ve learned how to code, what now? How do I get hired? How do I get work? Somebody give me some damn muney for this ish! :D

And, that’s actually what makes me a bit unique.

There’s 1000s of people who can and will teach you how to code.

But, a lot fewer who will and who CAN teach you how to make muney with your code.

That’s a little trickier.

Maybe even a bit “taboo”.

But, I don’t care.

I was a poor river rat from podunk Nebraska that had to scratch and claw and fight for everything I’ve got. I learned a long time ago not to give a ish about what other people think or let it derail me from what I want. So, I’ll talk about the stuff.

And, I went from that river rat…

To working with some of the most well-known online celebrities on the planet.

Like New York Times Bestselling Author, Michael Hyatt. Lewis Howes…. who’s also a bestselling author and has been on Ellen (twice), Today with Hoda and Kathie Lee and a bunch of others. I’ve sat on the top floor of the WTC towers in the Inc. Magazine offices working with them…

All sorts of crazy stuff a river rat like me would never have imagined I’d do.

As you might imagine, I’ve learned a few things along the way.

One is how to manipulate Upwork every which way to bring you more, better and higher-paying clients on demand. In fact, at one point, I started getting so many job invites I had to turn my availability off because turning them all down was hurting my “score”.

Anyway, I’m going to show you my exact process.

On June 3rd, I’m releasing Episode 3 of my Get Paid to Code video series.

And, in it, we log into my actual account. And, I show you how I find the highest-paying jobs from the best clients… and then how to systematically break down their job proposal, so you can formulate a compelling bid… that almost forces them to respond to you.

If you’re ready to start earning some dough with your code…

You won’t want to miss this episode.

Anyway, only a few days left until it goes live.

If you want in, the link to join is:

But, whatever you do…

Follow Levi’s example.

Take action, work hard and invest in yourself.

You might be surprised just how quickly your life can change.



Watch the video version of this message here:

Listen to the audio version here:

Originally published at John Morris.



John Morris

I’m a web designer who helps other web designers with two things: 1) how to code and 2) how to market yourself so you can earn your living as a coder.