Why WordPress Doesn’t Suck

John Morris
On WordPress
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2016

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Let me state it plainly…

Using a tool like WordPress is by far the fastest way to jumpstart your web development career, carve out more time and leverage that time to learn new skills so you can get paid even more.

Here’s a perfect example:

“Hey, John. I want to thank you again for your advice on keeping an open mind about CMS’s. I completed an amazing site in 2 days that would have taken me months to build out from scratch. You have no idea how much your videos have helped me get out of my funk in web development. I have two prospective clients just from seeing the site that I built with Wordpress. I will most likely continue building out my sites with Wordpress while expanding my skillset to create my own themes and plugins. Thanks again man, what you’re doing is freakin awesome. -Dee”

In two days, he built a site that would have personally taken him months to build from scratch. And, as a result now has two prospective clients and likely plenty more to come in the pipeline.

Let me ask you…

Do the “well it has procedural code in it” arguments of the know-it-alls across the web sound as convincing in comparison to Dee’s story? Do you really care all that much?

I mean… sure they might make you feel important…

You might get a moment of feeling self-righteous and “better than everybody else”… but will that put food on the table? Will it pay for your Pokemon Go habit? Will it make your kids proud of you?

Yeah… no.

Still, you have guys like this:

“WP is a nightmare. They are stuck with procedural code because they are victim of their success. Who on earth is writing this stuff ? How can such a number of individuals jump on the wagon and coding this way ? Surely they think they are great developers, and in a sense, you have to be, just to make your way in this awful bowl of spaghettis! I don’t think PHP is to blame here. In 2014, it is now a mature language and fully OO with some great frameworks like Codeigniter or Laravel that match Ruby on Rails. I hate to see our profession stained with this WP infamy, that has spread like a virus on the web. The only problem (and the greatest democratic quality) of PHP is that anyone can code and output something on the screen. But now that their ecosystem is in place, watchagonnado ? We’ll just wait another 5 years and see it fall in oblivion — at last! — Christian”

Honestly, I don’t even believe it.

“Stained with this WP infamy”…


I think this is all about sounding superior. About pumping up his busted ego to make himself feel important. It’s almost like a weird kind of anti-WordPress virtue-signalling. “I hate WordPress therefore I’m a good coder.”

Go away.

Here’s the thing…

Use whatever tool you want. Or don’t use any. Do whatever you need to do to get the job done in the best way you can and don’t worry one single bit about what clowns like this might say.

This is your life.

Don’t let the fear of these know-it-alls hold you back.

And if you’re smart like Dee…

Keep open-minded to a tool like WordPress. See what you can accomplish byleveraging that tool instead of thinking you have to do everything from scratch. I’m convinced you can start getting paid to code much faster if you do.

And then use your extra time to become a PHP god.

And for those of you who are exceptionally genius… fast-track your career even further by letting someone else download all the WordPress knowledge you need into your brain for you… instead of rummaging blindly in the dark for a scrap here and a scrap there.

Enroll in Brad Hussey’s WordPress course and blast out of the gates of your career like Dee did: http://johnmorrisonline.com/wptheme

You get 40% off until August 1st, 2016 so enroll before you forget and miss out for good.

You’re welcome! :)

P.S. If you liked the show, give it a like and share with the communities and people you think will benefit. And, you can always find all my tutorials, source code and exclusive courses on Patreon.

Originally published at John Morris.



John Morris
On WordPress

I’m a web designer who helps other web designers with two things: 1) how to code and 2) how to market yourself so you can earn your living as a coder.