How Apoo’S Devil Fruit Ability Works In One Piece

3 min readSep 5, 2022


So I’ve heard some people question how apoo was able to beat luffy and zoro to the point where they took damage and luffy passed out for a few seconds. They asked what happened to luffy’s observation and 5 seconds of foresight.

well I think there is an answer to this.

what I love about Oda’s writing style is that he hardly ever explains how it works. We hardly ever see a villain stop in the middle of a fight to explain how their powers work which I’ve always found stupid. They don’t know how your powers work is a good thing at least lying to them.

so it looks like apoo ate some kind of musical fruit or fruit instrument and i believe he used sound waves as a weapon

Now the way I feel it will work is like this. It works on hearing. If you can hear it then you’ve basically been hit. When he fights with kizaru, his opening line is “can you hear me” now at first appearance, this looks like his DJ theme, but I think it’s really to measure his attack range.

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Next he must personally direct it to specific people.

I don’t think he has to aim like a sniper but he has to imagine who he wants to hit otherwise just sound then anyone within his range will get hit even his own person, although I still believe he can do that if he wants to.

Now for observation, it’s all about calm mindset, and luffy and zoro are defiantly unsettled but more importantly i believe it doesn’t matter, if luffy sees the attack coming and jumps he will be hit without a care.

The sound he made passed through their ears and delivered an attack aimed at them. As zoro mentioned, he can’t see the trajectory of the attack or see the sword because the attack is coming from inside him.

Sound passes through their ear system and travels throughout their body and hits them, now raises questions like why not just aiming for their necks and cutting off their heads but maybe apoo just wants to play with them, like with kizaru he literally cut them to pieces instead of just cut it like zoro.

Now how can this be defeated.

if you’re against it the ideal tool is headphones or soundproof earplugs to block out the sound, it might muffle the sound and thus take less damage or it might not work on you at all and you’re 100% safe.

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Corazon’s abilities

it is something like a silent mute fruit and this would be perfect because sound waves would dissipate before they hit the user, or Caesar df gas gas can remove oxygen in the air around it and sound needs oxygen to move hence why is there not heard in space.

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