Be A Sponge

My Shared Learnings for a Successful 2019

Jason Pohl
6 min readJan 16, 2019
Source: Shutterstock

At the end of 2018, I was given the honour of presenting the Bond University 2018 Valedictorian address. Below is an (edited) version of my speech which highlighted three points for the graduates’ transition into the working world.

For me, these learnings will remain at the forefront of my mind as we enter 2019, and these will guide me throughout the new year.

Firstly, I hope to continue to ‘be a sponge’ into the new year. I hope to immerse, absorb, and embrace new learnings. Through a curious mind, this year is set to present new and exciting opportunities.

Secondly, through acknowledging that ‘our value is the sum of our values’ and by understanding these priorities, 2019 will be a year that I find new passions that I hope to be intoxicated by the very pursuit.

And thirdly, by living the principle that ‘it’s better to sleep well than to eat well’, I hope to be meaningful by embracing trust and integrity in my professional life.

Happy new year!


The Speech

A Little Nervous

When I received the phone call about the speech from our Dean of Students, I fell into a black hole of anxiety, where panic ruled supreme, and I found my stomach in knots.

This was not the first time I had received a phone call from Alan, and both calls I received began with “Mr Pohl, this is Alan Finch speaking”. The deep, ominous tone reminded me of my first year I began at Bond — the year I had set up a club called ‘BASIC’. Some of you may know, this stands for the Beer Appreciation and Social Intercourse Club.

At the time, Alan confused a particular word, and he sternly informed me that neither he nor the board approved of such a club and that the promotion of unsavoury conduct on campus was deemed offensive and highly inappropriate.

I quickly reassured him that our club’s only intention was to promote the culture of beer through social relationships and that our networking events were some of the most popular on campus. Any other intimate activity was none of our business. To which he replied, “well, Bond does encourage networking, and I suppose I don’t mind a beer. How much is it to join?” — “Sorry Alan, it’s a student association”.


Good Morning, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, distinguished guests, faculty members, family and friends, and of course the illustrious class of 2018.

My name is Jason Pohl, and I‘m honoured to present your Valedictorian address. As a product of both the Business and Law faculties, I too have sat here wondering what the next chapter holds and what I am supposed to do next. The mixed emotions stemming from the future uncertainty create a sense of excitement, apprehension, and for some, it’s a little overwhelming.

Today, I only have three simple messages; that is all. These are learnings from my previous transition into the working world.

Be A Sponge

As we stand here today, we have all achieved something very special — a Bond University degree. This piece of paper does not define you; it doesn’t mean you’ve reached your peak, and it certainly does not guarantee you any future success.

However, the certificate we hold is more than just a qualification and is best described as a symbol. A symbol that represents our ability to commit to a cause; to work to a schedule; to be dependable, relatable, and at times tolerable. But, most importantly it represents our ability to learn, to lead, and at times to follow.

For all of us, moving into the next stage of our lives means new jobs, new colleagues, new friends, and new environments. The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about our lives going forward is that there is no longer a core curriculum, and everything from now is an elective.

During this transition, we find ourselves at a turning point where there is a lot of unknowns, there are few support structures, and no guidelines to follow.

This is where our trusty, metaphorical sponge comes in.

I encourage you to become sponge-like — immerse, absorb, and embrace learnings from anyone and everything. Say yes to new ideas, push yourself to listen, force yourself to taste, and try to experience new and wonderful things.

By consciously being a sponge, your opportunities will only grow. There is nothing more fulfilling and more purposeful than a curious mind.

Immerse. Absorb. Be the Sponge.

Our Value Is the Sum of Our Values

The value we provide, whether to a new employer, a new business venture, or a new relationship, is defined by our values.

Some of us may value family and will move into a demanding, inflexible environment that only creates stress and conflict. Whereas some who don’t value competition may find themselves in a highly competitive sales environment and may burn out before they begin.

Too often this happens when we don’t understand our core values; and when things don’t align, that’s when things feel… a little wrong. Values stand at the core of our decision-making, and this is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important.

Values exist in each of us, whether we recognise them or not. By acknowledging them and making plans around them, one can expect that the chosen path will become seductive, intoxicating, and we will become genuinely passionate.

Ask yourself, what are you guided by? Why do you do what you do? And what do you feel your purpose is?

Core values are the source of our own greatness. Take the time to understand these priorities; by behaving in line with your values, you’ll find life becomes a little easier, and you’ll feel more satisfied, content, and happy.

It’s Better to Sleep Well Than to Eat Well

The last message is a quote from my father, and I find this is more relevant now than ever.

The corporate world seems to be littered with professionals who have lost their way. The contemporary climate of corporate scandals, loss of social confidence, and the severe lack of trust are apparent in the broader world today.

In contrast, the little bubble at Bond University comprises around a third of local students, a third domestic, and a third international. We embrace all nationalities from over 100 different countries; we don’t discriminate between gender or religion, with a 50% gender split; and over a dozen religions practised within the student body.

We don’t find ourselves ridden with the political or social turbulence because being a Bondy means respect, integrity, and trust are paramount.

Our scandals are limited to the after-hours conduct at those networking events, confidence in Bond at an all-time high with our university ranked #17 for global small universities, and our student satisfaction scores demonstrate the high level of trust we place in this institution.

Most of us don’t know what lies ahead, or what path we’ll take. However, I do know this - the Bond culture and behaviour is something that the outside world needs more of. Practice our Bond ways of achieving through cooperation and collaboration; placing trust in each other and put values at the core of our decisions.

When a Bondy gives their word, there’s a power and magic behind it. When we apply ourselves with integrity, it will flow into every relationship (both personal and business). Honesty doesn’t always pay, but dishonesty will always cost.

Make the decisions that will allow you to sleep well at night.

Aspire to be Meaningful

We are the ‘Generation Now’. The generation that can sport a man bun with facial hair well into our 30’s and still become millionaires. Or, the inspirational Instagram blogger that changes the world from the comfort of yoga pants, armed only with essential oils and a poor NBN connection.

A smarter man in a Youtube video once told me, that “you can only connect the dots in hindsight”. So, follow your heart, be the sponge, trust your values, and aspire to be meaningful by embracing trust and integrity.

Before I finish, to our family and friends — thank you for your love and support. This tassel has been worth the hassle, and we wouldn’t be here today without you. You guys are incredible!

As I look around this room at the sea of eager faces, waiting for my final remark, I have come to learn through my MBA that if the content fails to resonate with the audience — then finish with an Oprah Moment.

Today I have a small gift for each graduate here today. As you leave the building today, the staff at the front will provide each of you with this book, called “Chapter One”. The book is about a young entrepreneur who built his consumer products brand against all the odds. I hope that by reading the book, you will feel inspired to challenge what you know and remind you that crazy ideas can become a reality.

This is the first chapter of his journey; so, what’s going to be in yours?

Thank you all, very much.

