Turd Sandwich VS. Giant Douche — Which Candidate Do I Vote For?

Johnny Poitras
5 min readAug 26, 2023
https://twitter.com/SouthPark/status/1319452598714458118/photo/1 All rights to Trey Parker and Matt Stone — South Park Season 8 Episode 8 “Turd and Douch”


I would like to preface, that we are going to talk about a topic, that we are constantly told to refrain from talking about at the dinner table and everywhere else.

Can you guess which one?

Politics. Except, we aren’t going to side with either politician, so no political groundbreaking information about either Republican or Democrat will be shared.

How unfortunate.

We are going to discuss how divided we are as a country over a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche each election. Especially with this upcoming one, unfortunately.

If reading about this material is sensitive for you, please don’t read on.

South Park

Those of you who have watched South Park may know exactly what I am referencing.

There is an episode of South Park titled “Douche and Turd” (Season 8, Episode 8)

I would also like to add it was released on October 27, 2004.

Can anyone guess what is coming up in about a week from that date in America?

Giant Douche VS Turd Sandwich



Johnny Poitras

I am a school counselor in MA where I primarily focus on supporting students mental health. I am a student of life wanting to learn about everything I can!