Apple’s new ad: a perfect reflection of society

Jason Polak
3 min readMay 10, 2024


Apple recently released an ad for the new iPad that shows a hydraulic press crushing musical instruments and other, older devices used to create art:

Screen capture from Apple’s ad

The idea is that the latest iPad can replace all that old “junk”.

Many people have come out and said they hate the ad. But I think the ad is perfect: it shows exactly what technology is, and what it is becoming.

The hydraulic press symbolizes the immense power of modern technology to overtake our old ways of life and the inevitability of its crushing force. Because technology gives people short-term benefits without any regard to the debt arising from its unsustainable creation or its ability to destroy human relationships, it marches forward regardless of what will happen in the future.

People have said that they feel sad for the beautiful instruments that are being crushed in the ad. Sorry to say, but that is exactly what we are doing on a daily basis in our society: we crush beauty for technological advancement. Pretty much all modern technology requires unsustainable mining and fossil fuels in order to extract minerals to make it and ship it. The computers we are all using are made possible by the death of beautiful animals.

The Apple ad, as disgusting as it is, reflects what we are doing to the earth. Apple is just telling a story that they didn’t even mean to tell! It’s a story of hundreds of species going extinct because of us. It’s a story of the dying of the Great Barrier reef because of us. It represents what each and every one of us are doing when we buy technology, promote technology, and participate in the advancement of technology. Advanced technology, at its core, is unsustainable.

Do you hate the Apple ad? If you do, you better wake up and start fighting against technology and do your part to promote a more cautious approach to its development. But, don’t hate on the Apple ad and then go on participating in society as usual. At least protest, because if you don’t take up that responsibility, you’ll be no one else than the person that started that hydraulic press without any protest.

I hate the ad, not because of its content but because it is a simple statement of fact of what human beings have become. The ad is what any of us do when we engage in the consumerist activity of buying new electronics and pretty much everything else we have to buy because corporations have made us dependent on unsustainable products.

Instead, the ad is actually an incredibly fortunate mistake because it has made popular the true state of our society today: it is a destructive and violent one that we all endorse by our jobs and our daily activities. Apple’s controversy is nothing but a mirror that has reflected what we have become, and it’s time to change. We must move to a new state of using less energy and cultivating an attitude of respect towards the biosphere, which is the only possible way to survive.

Start by moving away from technology today!

This post is 100% AI Free. I don’t use or support AI in any way, and I advocate for its destruction.

