Hey! I'm Pratish Jain and I'm so glad that you are here to know more about me.

I'm a young entrepreneur and am very fond of ecommerce industry. I've been working since I was 16 and have a lot of experience in various fields. I'm here not to preach or teach anyone, but to share my experiences so that others can avoid the mistakes I made in my journey till now. I truly believe in the quote, "knowledge increases when shared" and that is exactly why I'm here. I'm here to share my knowledge on business, online business, online money making tricks, earning online, affiliate marketing, blogging, ecommerce, and various such topics. I regularly find, try and test new tricks for scaling and growing businesses, marketing and making money online and willing to share them with others.

Connect with Pratish Jain
Pratish Jain

Pratish Jain

A business geek with the passion for writing.