My Creation Myth

An answer to one of life’s big questions…

J P Zaleta
4 min readJan 3, 2020



Did your mom ever yell at you like that? When you were a kid in, trouble? You’re not in trouble. I thought to yell a you would be a fun way to start the conversation. What do you think? Did it get your attention?

Religion sucks. Christianity sucks the most, no doubt about it. I’ve found myself moving away from the GACB [Generally, Accepted, Christian, Beliefs] because they are GPBS!

You know, eternal punishment, narrow gate, few that find! I’ve seen how those beliefs have made my life and the lives of others a living hell.

I’d like to share with you my creation myth if you don’t mind.

If you do, let me know and I’ll cut the post. My reality, of course, is, I believe this creation myth.

Here goes.

Once Upon a time, outside of time and space, a being willed us into existence. He then created what we call our known universe, even though it seems unknown in comparison to its vastness. He put us in it.

We know we are in that universe. We know because we are alive. We are conscious of being alive. “We think therefore we are.” René Descartes. Antoine Lenard Thomas put it this way:

“I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am”

Whether we believe a being created us or not is irrelevant. The fact that we doubt and are skeptical proves we have what that being gives us, LIFE.

Everything that is created was created with us in mind. It doesn’t matter whether we believe it or not. The fact is we are here enjoying life. Or maybe not enjoying it so much. Coffee smells oh so good in the mourning.

The problem is religious people want to make this life an exclusive club. Instead of an inclusive family.

The cleric says we’re allowed to belong “only,” by doing a lot of hoop-jumping. No one likes to jump through hoops. No one likes to be the trained dog jumping through a bunch of meaningless hoops.

Thinking with that premise, puts an obstacle, a stumbling block in our path to knowing what our creator is doing.

Our Creator said it at the beginning, “let the earth bring forth living creatures.” Our creator also said, “that I have come to give you life and that more abundantly.” So abundant, in fact, that we live forever.

We’re created to be part of an inclusive family. We were not created to be part of an exclusive club.

We are part of the family where failure to thrive, in the abundance of all that was created, is not an option.

Failure to thrive is not an option. Every word expressed by our creator is causing us to live “the abundant life.”

Plants thrive because they are planted in good soil, receive an abundance of sunshine and rain at the proper time. Right? They can’t do anything but thrive. Under those conditions they cannot do anything but thrive, nor can we.

Our creator wants us to be contributing to the betterment of all creation. Helping all to be iron that is being sharpened by iron. Diamonds rubbed against diamonds, each one becoming ever more brilliant, ever more valuable, ever more radiant, could it be? Yes!

The message, given to us to share, is, “you are part of what the one who brought you into existence is doing. The pottering that is going on is fantastically good! You’re part of it. Nothing can take your part away.”

The parts of the book that appears like contradictions to that message are defining terms, not giving rules, regulations, or hoops to jump through.

Who knows what love is unless we know hate? Who knows what good is unless we know evil?

Can we know anything, without having experienced its opposite? Who would know what peace is without experiencing war?

The story, that is in the book, is one of comparing and contrasting. It allows us to fully appreciate what was finished for us all.

We are all loved by the one that brought us into existence.

I am persuaded, that nothing, death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present, things to come, height, depth, any creature, including ourselves, can separate us from the love of the one who created us.

Our author began a good work in us. Our finisher will bring it to completion.

Our Creator is love. No greater love than this exists: laying down our lives for our enemies.

Accomplished, by the creator, while we were enemies, through no fault of our own. We were fashioned that way, so no greater love would be possible. This makes it possible for us to begin to comprehend what was gifted to us.

We exist. We have the gift of life. We have had this gift before we were a twinkle in the eye of our creator, since before the universe was created.

The good news from my perspective is:

Whether we believe or not. We don’t have to jump through any hoops for it to be true. We don’t have to take part in a dog and pony. If true, life is beautiful.

Life is good. Death is bad. It’s good to know we live forever in “the good place.”

Let me know if you want to continue to discuss this. I hope that I’ve given you a new perspective on the big question of life…why are we here?

Thanks for letting us know about the anger you have toward organized religion. It is well placed.



J P Zaleta

Sharing what I have learned about the Bible after 65+ years questioning my faith.