Maximizing the Business Benefits of the Internet of Models: How AI-based Products are Collaborating to Drive Innovation and Efficiency

Jalal Rohani
5 min readDec 6, 2022


The Internet of Models (IoM) is a network of interconnected AI-based products that are able to communicate and share information with each other. This new way of content creation is set to revolutionize the internet as we know it, bringing about a new era of collaboration and innovation among AI-based products. With the ability to learn and adapt based on the data they receive, IoM products will be able to provide personalized experiences for users and integrate seamlessly into everyday life. The potential for real-time data analysis and decision making will also enable these products to predict and respond to changing needs and preferences. Overall, the IoM will greatly enhance the capabilities of AI and change the way we use the internet in the near future.
One potential use case for the IoM is in the field of data visualization. With the ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data in real time, IoM products could be used to create dynamic and interactive visualizations that provide insights and facilitate decision making. For example, an IoM-powered data visualization tool could be used by a retailer to track and analyze customer purchasing habits, allowing the company to make informed decisions about product pricing and placement. Similarly, a city planner could use an IoM-powered visualization tool to track and analyze traffic patterns, leading to more efficient and effective transportation planning. Overall, the IoM has the potential to greatly enhance the capabilities of AI in the field of data visualization.

It is likely that the IoM will utilize a variety of technologies in order to facilitate communication and data sharing among AI-based products. Some of these technologies may include cloud computing, machine learning, natural language processing, and edge computing. Additionally, the IoM may also make use of various IEEE standards, such as IEEE 802.11 for wireless communication, IEEE 1588 for precise time synchronization, and IEEE 1900 for cognitive radio networks. These standards are designed to ensure interoperability and facilitate communication among different devices and systems. By utilizing these technologies and standards, the IoM will be able to provide a seamless and efficient network for AI-based products.

It is likely that stable diffusion will play a role in the development and adoption of the Internet of Models (IoM). Stable diffusion refers to the process by which a new technology or innovation is gradually introduced and adopted within a population. In the case of the IoM, this could involve the gradual deployment of AI-based products and the creation of a network for them to communicate and share data. As more and more AI-based products are added to the network, the IoM will become increasingly stable and robust, leading to wider adoption and use. By using a stable diffusion approach, the IoM can be introduced in a controlled and gradual manner, allowing for the smooth integration of AI-based products and the development of new and exciting experiences for users.

Here is a potential 3-year roadmap for the development and deployment of the Internet of Models (IoM):

Year 1:
Develop the technical infrastructure for the IoM, including the use of cloud computing, machine learning, and natural language processing technologies.
Establish partnerships with AI-based product manufacturers and developers to begin building the IoM network.
Begin testing and refining the IoM network with a small group of AI-based products.

Year 2:
Expand the IoM network to include a wider range of AI-based products and services.
Develop new and improved AI-based products that are specifically designed to work with the IoM network.
Begin incorporating the IoM into everyday products and services, such as home appliances and transportation systems.

Year 3:
Further, expand and enhance the IoM network, including the development of new technologies and tools for AI-based products.
Launch a public awareness campaign to educate consumers about the benefits of the IoM and how to use it.
Continue to develop new and exciting AI-based products and services that leverage the capabilities of the IoM network.
Overall, this 3-year roadmap outlines a plan for the gradual deployment and expansion of the IoM, with a focus on building a robust and stable network of AI-based products and services.

After the first 6 months of the development and deployment of the Internet of Models (IoM), it may be beneficial to hold a seminar as part of a larger conference to discuss the progress and achievements of the IoM. Some potential topics for the seminar could include:

An overview of the IoM and its technical infrastructure
Examples of AI-based products and services that are using the IoM
The benefits of the IoM for AI-based products and users
The potential future developments and applications of the IoM
For the keynote speaker, it may be worthwhile to invite a thought leader or expert in the field of AI and machine learning to provide their perspective on the IoM and its potential impact. Some potential keynote speakers could include:

Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Google Brain and Coursera
Yann LeCun, Chief AI Scientist at Facebook and Professor at New York University
Geoffrey Hinton, Vice President and Engineering Fellow at Google and Professor at the University of Toronto

Overall, the seminar would provide a valuable opportunity to share the progress and achievements of the IoM, as well as to discuss its potential future developments and applications.

Disclaimer: This article is for testing and demonstration purposes only, and does not represent real technology or companies. The Internet of Models (IoM) and any related technologies or companies mentioned in this article are purely fictional and do not exist in the real world. This article is not intended to provide accurate or reliable information, and should not be relied upon for any purpose. the term IoM and ideas belong to Mojtaba Tabatabaie after his recent tweet:

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