CS 373 Blog Spring 2023: Ray Yin

Ray Yin
2 min readApr 10, 2023


  • What did you do this past week?
  • This past week I didn’t have a lot of work for OOP or SWE due so I focused on other classes. I worked on a visualization for our webpage. I had a reading quiz in American Literature and had to give a presentation over some readings we did. I also had the first part of a project due in Organizational Behavior, and we had to grind that out.
  • What’s in your way?
  • I have projects in OOP and SWE due in about 10 days, which I will have to get an early start on to avoid lots of last minute work. I also have exams in OB and Literature, and some projects in those classes, too.
  • What will you do next week?
  • Next week I will get started on the OOP project hopefully as soon as possible. Procrastination on these projects has screwed me in the past so I will be sure to work hard to get it done. I will also work on this phase of the IDB. I also have a presentation in OB and a reading quiz in Literature.
  • What did you think of Paper #12. Why extends is evil
  • I thought the paper was very interesting and made a lot of sense. I thought it was weird that we all learned about extends in AP Computer Science, but they never warned us about anything. Using extends leads to inflexibility in your code and using implements is better.
  • What was your experience of joins and refactoring? (this question will vary, week to week)
  • The joins were pretty cool to learn about and it was nice to see how simple the python code for writing them was and thinking through it. The SQL practices helped show the practical uses behind the joins and it was cool to work in SQL. Refactoring has been ok so far.
  • What made you happy this week?
  • It was nice to have a chill week. I got to hang out with friends and spend some time relaxing.
  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
  • This website lets you run the game of life, which is our OOP project and not as relevant to this class. But, you can learn about the rules of the game and I honestly think its pretty cool to mess around with.
  • https://playgameoflife.com/

