Aaron Rodgers’ “Darkness Retreat”: What Is It and How Does It Work ?

3 min readOct 2, 2023


Aaron Rodgers, the Green Straight Packers quarterback

Aaron Rodgers, the Green Straight Packers quarterback, as of late stood out as truly newsworthy for his visit to a darkness retreat. The retreat, situated in the Outpouring Siskiyou wild in Southern Oregon, is called Sky Cavern Retreats. Rodgers burned through four days in a completely dark room without any telephones, no TV, and no interruptions. The lodge was constructed explicitly for delayed confinement in obscurity. Rodgers said that he was anticipating the retreat since we seldom switch off our telephones or rest in haziness.

Green Straight Packers

The darkness retreat is a drawn out stay in a space totally without light. The lodges at Sky Cavern Retreats are fabricated explicitly for delayed detachment in obscurity. The explanations behind doing this reach from individuals needing to know themselves more, to individuals who need to rest, reset and unwind, to the people who need to investigate cognizance and extend their reflection practice.

Aaron Rodgers, Green Straight Packers

Rodgers is no more peculiar to elective treatments. He credits hallucinogens like psilocybin and ayahuasca for assisting with lightening his feeling of dread toward death and developing a healthy identity love1. He has likewise done numerous reflection and yoga withdrawals before and protected his choice to attempt haziness treatment as one of a few practices that have invigorated his psyche and assisted him with getting in a superior headspace and finding more prominent harmony in his life.

Green Straight Packers

The darkness retreat isn’t simply one more trendy craze however something that could help most of us. At the point when somebody goes into the haziness, everything that was essential to them like cash, acclaim, power, status, being commendable — they generally become unimportant and negligible in obscurity. In obscurity, the sum total of what you have is the current second which uncovers what is really significant — whether it’s adoration, pardoning, harmony — and it starts to change you as you genuinely legitimately contact what means quite a bit to you.

Aaron Rodgers, Darkness retreat

All in all, Aaron Rodgers’ visit to an obscurity retreat has started interest among many individuals about this elective treatment. While it may not be for everybody, it merits investigating on the off chance that you are searching for ways of extending your contemplation practice or basically need to rest and reset.

