But wouldn’t all these enterprises need to start from scratch and rebuild their entire B2C interaction framework? …and are enterprises even interested in adopting this product?

3 min readJul 3, 2018


Not at all. Apex Network will release SDKs and assist enterprise customers in seamlessly integrating the blockchain functionality with their existing software. For the customer it’s as easy as updating their brand app. CEO of Apex Network and Apex Technologies Jimmy Hu has even stated that there may even be cases where the enterprise won’t even know they’re using the blockchainsolution as it will be shipped with Apex Tech’s existing product NEXUS.

«We will release more details later — but I can say this, usage of Apex blockchain will be made as frictionless as possible, there may even be cases where the enterprise itself doesn’t know they’re using it (shipped with our existing software NEXUS)» — Jimmy Hu, CEO, Apex Network

Apex Technologies’ existing customer base consists of approximately 360 mid to large sized enterprises, with the smallest customers employing 1000–2000 people. In addition to this, 5–10 new enterprises are being added every month according to Jimmy Hu’s August 2018 interview with CryptoZombie. Also noteable is the fact that Apex Technologies started incorporating the blockchain solution in their sales pitch towards new enterprise customers in July 2018.

“We are seeing more and more of these companies being interested in blockchain right from the first pitch. Starting from a month ago we started incorporating Apex Blockchain into the sales pitches. We actually have a couple of revenue generating contracts already that also would mean that they would stake a particular amount of CPX to become a qualified enterprise to build applications on the Apex public chain.” — Jimmy Hu, CEO, Apex Network

On the subject of enterprise interest in the blockchain product, CEO Jimmy Hu gave an honest breakdown of the level of interest in his September 2018 interview with Blockchain Brad: Approximately 50% of the existing enterprise customers either do not care about or simply want to stay away from the blockchain product. 30–35% have an interest, but are unsure of how to make use of it, while 15–20% (approximately 50–70 enterprises) already have use cases in mind along with a good understanding of how they are going to leverage the blockchain solution to generate value.

“In some cases they want to stay away from it because it’s too close to crypto and they may be a fortune 500 or Fortune 1000 brand. Then there’s the second type, they understand the value blockchain can bring to the table but they don’t actually know immediately how they can actually transform this into value for themselves. Then there’s the third type that sees the value in this and has been thinking about blockchain related initiatives for some time now.” — Jimmy Hu, CEO, Apex Network

Considering the demands of running pilot programs both in terms of resources and time required, as well as the natural resistance often encountered from large enterprises to adopting new technology, CEO Jimmy Hu has the following expectations for Apex Network’s onboarding of enterprises — stated in his February 2019 interview:

“Keeping with realistic estimations, we hope to have around six enterprises that are extensively using the mainnet by EOY. Looking ahead to 2020, we aim to expand this to at least 10–15.” — Jimmy Hu, CEO, Apex Network

Among particular enterprises mentioned, the car manufacturer Maserati was the first of 20 piloting enterprises to have their name released. The first enterprise to be confirmed as onboarding the Apex Network blockchain is Treasure Carbon, a carbon asset trading company. Among the next enteprise names to be announced are a leading budget airline in China, as well as a Chinese electric car manufacturer. To read more about these enterprises and their intended use cases, please refer to the July 10th interview with CEO Jimmy Hu.




Tech & blockchain enthusiast, fact finder and skeptic