So what is Apex Network trying to accomplish?

2 min readJul 3, 2018


Apex Network is developing a blockchain platform and ecosystem aimed at solving the problems currently faced by businesses in their B2C interactions to maximize the quality and actionability of their data while rewarding customers for sharing their data. And the best part? Apex Network puts the customer back in control of their data instead of relying on third party data hoarders who siphon data from consumers and run away with the profits.

Currently, businesses mostly rely on buying data from third party providers, leaving them with data that is of questionable quality and where it’s hard to tell if the data will even be actionable. Changing how this is done, by going straight to the source (the consumer), is a win for everybody involved, and the expensive middle man is taken out of the equation.

Apex Technologies has shown that they are able to meet the demands and fill the needs of their customers through their big data analytics platform NEXUS which delivers the entire data to action value chain, augmenting the data with their predictive AI module IQ. Take a look at their existing videos in this walkthrough.

Now they are aiming to integrate their existing suite of products with the Apex Network blockchain and ecosystem to provide an all-in-one GDPR compliant package for enterprises to improve their B2C interactions while at the same time empowering and rewarding the customers sharing their data.

For a deep dive into the nature of the B2C field, its issues and how Apex aims to tackle these, you can check out this article on the subject.




Tech & blockchain enthusiast, fact finder and skeptic