dbHive: A PostgreSQL Monitoring Tool

Jeffery Richardson
2 min readDec 15, 2022

Co-written by Brandon Miller, Elise McConnell, Emily Paine, Jeffery Richardson, Melanie Forbes

What is dbHive?

dbHive is a highly configurable monitoring tool for PostgreSQL databases. Our application provides an intuitive dashboard interface that isolates metrics necessary to fully assess and optimize databases.

PostgreSQL Optimization

In the open source community, there are a lack of products available to assist in the maintenance, development, and optimization of PostgreSQL databases. This can be especially problematic for startups and new engineers wanting to improve SPA performance but having limited financial resources.

dbHive is the Solution

dbHive is the perfect medium to assist in improving database performance and reduce application latency. dbHive identifies database issues before they compound and affect the experience of end users. Tools that help modernize database architecture can not only reduce cost, but also allow more resource allocation towards avenues that facilitate scaling.

How to Use dbHive

  • From the setup page, the user will submit their database information.
Simply enter your database URI string or complete input fields to connect
  • Once added, all connected databases will be displayed.
  • In the dashboard the user will select the database of their choice to view performance metrics for the selected database.
The dashboard will display several metrics to analyze and optimize your database

dbHive was developed for the open source community under tech accelerator OSLabs. It has been our pleasure bringing this product to fruition. We are excited to make further contributions to the open source community and leave a meaningful impact in the world of technology. We welcome any feedback, stars, and suggestions on our Github. If you’re interested in contributing or working with dbHive on future products click here to connect with us.

Tech Stack

TypeScript | React | Express | Webpack | Material-ui | Zustand | Jest | React-query | Chart.js | Crypto.js

Meet the dbHive Team

