UX Case Study — Designing Digital Life Insurance called Jago Last Wish by Bank Jago App

Julian Rizki Pratama
6 min readNov 28, 2021

Disclaimer: This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek). In this project Bank Jago is the Challenge Partner. I’m not working for nor contracted professionally by Bank Jago.


⏰ Timeline: 5 weeks.

🥷🏻️ My Team: Aldi Bagas & Benedict Hardyanto.

🙆‍♂️ My role: UI/UX Designer, UX Writer.

✍ Tools: Figma, Google Doc & Sheet.


Jago is a digital financial service that has focuses on the daily lives of users, with the largest ecosystem network in Indonesia. Problems in life in a person’s daily life are very many types, but there are no financial products used in meeting these needs.

Imagine if currently, Jago wants to create and introduce a feature related to life insurance. If we look at life insurance products that exist today in the market, usually these products are sold as a form of prevention from disasters or bad things that will happen in the future. In addition, life insurance is also usually used to protect the livelihood of the family you live through your livelihood before the time of death. This is quite serious considering that not everyone has done planning for the future. One possibility why people don’t do it is because they want to be more optimistic and less negative-minded (because the future becomes scary).

To that end, we provide a solution or service in the form of a feature design prototype called Jago Last Wish for mobile applications to help customers to make plans that anticipate unexpected events in the future that could affect the livelihood and/or well-being of their families. It is also possible that our users use this feature for social purposes, contributing to their surroundings and communities even after death.

The Process

In this case, I chose to use Design Thinking as my design process approach. Because with Design Thinking we can understand the mindset and needs of users of the products that are created to get the best results.

💁‍♂️ Empathize

Research Brief

The first stage I took is to make Research Brief know deeper what is the User Profile, Objective, Methodology, and User Behaviors & Habits that will be used for this project.


I also wanted to study the existing market and products, so I analyzed 5 competitors including Dana Impian (Tokopedia), Bibit, BNI Life, Sun Life Insurance, Astra Life.

🔍 Define

Pain Point

With the results of data that has been collected from the empathy stage. I can collect some pain points including:

How Might We

After knowing the pain point I staged How Might We, and the following How Might We based on the pain point.

💡 Ideate

Solution Idea

After finding the user’s problem, I came up with a solution idea to solve all the problems experienced by the user.

Prioritization Idea

After brainstorming and gathering all possible solutions, I created a Prioritization Idea to map out each solution and determine the level of impact and effort.


After selecting and determining the priority idea, I sketched using the sprint design method (Crazy’8). There are a total of 24 screens overall based on team members.

User Flow

After sketching on the Crazy’8 stage, I made User Flow following the Solution Ideas and also the objective of this Last Wish Jago Feature. There are 5 User Flows, including Last Wish Opening/Registration, Last Wish Edit Plan, Name & Will Last Wish Personalization, Claim Last Wish, and Challenge for Health.

🚀 Prototype

This prototyping stage discusses Hi-Fidelity Wireframe and Interactive Prototypes that are the result of solution ideas and also sketches at the ideation stage.

Hi-Fidelity Wireframe

Interactive Prototype

The interactive prototype is based on Figma. There is 5 Flow in this prototype according to the user flow that has been created at the ideate stage, you can try the interactive prototype directly below. Or you can see it by clicking here if the interactive prototype below can’t be used.
*Better used on a full-screen laptop, or using a Figma mirror with an iPhone X/11 Pro device.

✅ Testing

After designing the application based on the user’s pain point. I tested it on users who had participated in the test using the appropriate task scenario I provided.

The test also wants to see how users expect the design I create, and find out if the solution I’m implementing has addressed all the pain points the user experience in the prototype test I created. Below are observations and feedback.

  • Likes the concept and is very simple and easy to understand.
  • Beautiful design and easy-to-use application.
  • Flow and processes that are easy to understand by ordinary users.
  • Information is accurate and does not make it difficult for users.

Overall, if calculated with a Likert Scale over a user satisfaction level of 1–5 scale, the user gives a value of 4.

And for the results of the test with the Singe Ease Question (SEQ) method in accordance with the 5 Task / Flow given, overall the user feels satisfied and gives a value of 6.6.


From the results obtained, several things must be improved:

  • Color is even more homogeneous to make it more pleasant to see
  • Notifications if it can be made easier, so there is no need to click /press “see more”


Based on the background as well as research on prospective users, in this case, I have completed all stages of the design process successfully and I have produced an easy-to-use design. This can be proven from the results of usability testing. Respondents who have been interviewed give us responses as well as some very positive feedback about the designs that have been created.

Thanks for your time reading my case study. I appreciate your feedback and criticism for creating a better design for my next case study or even my project.

Let’s connect with me:

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