The experience you deserve (3/7)

Konan Kouassi
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2018

This is part 3 of 7 from our series The jrnal Manifesto, leading up to our official launch on June 28st. We will be releasing a new part every other day, so watch this space!

Forget everything you know about news apps. We’re taking a radical approach to the user experience. There won’t be any PDFs on jrnal. There won’t be any ads, either.

Yet, this is the very beginning and we shall spent most of our time, upgrading our users interface & experience. Every suggestions would be welcome.

We are tired of pop-up

Let’s take an example we’ve all faced while scrolling down our newsfeed. We see an article from an obscure website with an appealing title:

“How Kim Kardashian is building a beauty empire”.

Once on the website:

Close a pop-up ad that opens a new window. Ok…

Close an overlay ad that obscures the content. Guuuuuh.

Start reading–momentarily–before a push-down video ad appears at the top of the page, pushing the content away. No.

Scroll down to continue reading for another fifteen seconds before the push-down ad (which was playing unseen above the top of the browser window) disappears, causing the content to once again scroll off the page. Stooooop.

Scroll up to continue reading.

At this point, the site launches yet another overlay. This one asks me to subscribe to the mailing list. To make matters worse, closing the overlay requires me to click a statement along the lines of “No, I don’t care about the upcoming trends in tech.”

Most of the time, you leave without even reading the article, vowing to never come back. This was the first reason why we decided to go ad-free on digital. On the same grounds, and without even mentioning the impact of GDPR, we decided to ditch PDFs of full editions.

No PDFs should be allowed anywhere in digital news

There’s no need to dwell on the subject here. We all agree that PDFs for journalism suck, and anyone using this format to send content to their subscribers should be condemned for professional negligence.

Agreeing on that is a needed step in bringing forward something new, something really refreshing.

A glimpse of what to expect from our user Interface (UI) and user experience (UX)

On the first part of our app,

We committed ourselves to feature articles that will blow your mind. From venerable institutions to those that you have never heard of.
We committed ourselves to give the floor to extraordinary people who work to build the newspapers and magazines we love
We committed ourselves to share bold and amazing initiatives

Prepare to be surprised!

On the second part of our app,
We committed ourselves to ditch out PDF on jrnal. Period!
We committed ourselves to provide a fully customisable interface

Want to see the expected results (and what will be coming)? See here. Join the waiting list and be the first to get the app here.

Want to know more about jrnal ? Here are the first and second episodes of our story.



Konan Kouassi

Making VC life easier @ | ex-Investment Banker | Alum.The Family — YC SS — Sciences Po.Lille