What kind of human do you want to be?

Jessica Newfield
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Only one thing has intrinsic meaning: nature.

There is organization in the chaos of Mother Earth. She is self-regulating in her destruction and her rebirth.

Mother Earth in all her stark beauty. Torres del Paine, Patagonia. March 2018.

You can’t say the same about humanity. Humanity has very little self-awareness. Its self-destruction has no fruitful outcome. In fact, competitive behavior among its civilizations ironically prevent effective widespread survival.

There is no inherent meaning to our existence as humans. That’s why it’s desperately necessary that we define its meaning for ourselves, that we decide our purpose, that we shape our role in human organizations, that we ask ourselves the hard questions, that we continue to evolve intellectually and emotionally, that we become better humans to each other.

You meet many people in your life. Some have a gigantic impact; others pass through and are quickly forgotten. You usually choose the people you want in your life. With Remote Year, we didn’t choose; we were chosen for each other.

Orientation Day for Aurora, our Remote Year group. January 2018.

We might not all have the same reasons to be here, but one thing unifies us: the pursuit of meaning. Point blank.

Whether that’s spending more time doing things we love each day, creating space for personal growth in our jobs, challenging ourselves emotionally in new ways, getting involved in impactful projects, or being immersed in new cultures.

The bottom line: all humans want deep down is connection and to feel a sense of belonging. That’s all.

That’s why it’s so important for us each day to be thoughtful and nurturing in our relationships. It’s been so inspiring to see how much we’ve grown to do this in the last 6 months, the last 180+ days.

Some of the incredible women of Aurora. Cordoba, Argentina. February 2018.

We get to choose to be better humans every day. My definition of success: liking who you are as a human.

What kind of human do you want to be the next 187 days, and the next hundreds and thousands after that?

I can’t wait to meet all your iterations!



Jessica Newfield

Community Builder & Climate Policy Mediator dedicated to shifting power to achieve climate justice