Lego on the Floor

John Greenwood
2 min readMar 12, 2024
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

My eye caught sight of a single Lego brick lying abandoned on the floor, and it launched a wave of bittersweet emotions. It’s a small thing, easily overlooked, yet for me, it held a powerful symbolism. My poem explores the mix of exasperation and wistfulness that comes with those fleeting moments of family life. This isn’t just about a stray Lego; it’s about the toys left behind as children grow, and the struggles we face as parents to let go — of both the love and frustrations we face everyday.

I look down in dismay at that
Lego on the Floor.
Lying, waiting to strike me
I don’t think I could
pick it up,
even to avert the agony to come.

The muffled swearing, gritted teeth,
raising my voice, punching the wall!
Because of that
Lego on the Floor.

I don’t think
of how it got there, that
Lego on the Floor.

Who last held it?


It’s green.
That Lego on the Floor.

Perhaps part of a tree?
A car?
A frog?
A castle?
A boat?
A vital piece from a limited edition…



John Greenwood

Father, Student, Educator, and Writer living with ADHD on the edge of the Peak District in England.