How a 30-Day Writing Challenge Can Change a Writer

Looking back on my completed 30-day writing challenge to see my growth

Jasmine Ruckey
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

Well, it’s been just over a week since I successfully completed my 30-day writer’s boot camp and I already feel like a brand new writer! In this past week I’ve already published 3 pieces. That’s more than I’d ever publish in a whole month.

I started this challenge because I felt that it would help me grow as a writer. It would give me new ideas to write and hopefully get me back on track to where I wanted to be, as a writer. And it definitely has. Here are some of the changes that I’ve noticed thus far:

  1. Turns out I can be pretty self-motivated when I want to be
  2. I’ve cut down on procrastination, not only with my writing but with every day tasks as well
  3. And because of #2, I’ve been a lot more productive, making much better use of my time
  4. I don’t fear publishing on day 1 of writing
  5. I have an easier time coming up with new creative ideas for pieces to write
  6. I’ve got more self-control and determination than I thought I did
  7. I’ve become an early riser and I don’t hate it as much as I thought I would
  8. The thought of writing fiction doesn’t intimidate me
  9. I can figure out ways to avoid the wall and keep a story going
  10. Creative descriptions seem to form themselves when I make simple observations
  11. I’ve gained over 20 new followers that weren’t family members! (this is huge for me)
  12. I feel rebooted/refocused in my writing
  13. I’m reaching out of my comfort zone to submit pieces to well-known/larger publications
  14. I feel like a real writer!

If you feel like your writing has been lacking lately, or you’ve lost the motivation, I’d encourage you to try out a writing challenge. The Writer’s Digest website allows you to sign-up for a free two-week writing challenge. You can even use what I had, Writer’s Boot Camp: 30-day crash course on total writing fitness by Rachel Federman. You can also check to see what they have on Amazon. You’ll pretty much find something if you google writer’s boot camp. If you find one that peaks your interest, I highly encourage you to try it out. It could bring something amazingly unexpected to your writing!

Best of luck to all your future writing endeavors!

|Hope you found this helpful! If you enjoyed this piece, feel free to give a clap or 10! Thanks for reading!! :)



Jasmine Ruckey

Eat. Lift. Create. A writer in bloom with a passion for words, food, and fitness. And forever a work in progress.