The Birth of RIGOR — A Manifesto

1 min readJun 24, 2020


This content appeared first via the @RigorIdeas Twitter account.

The premise is simple… 💡

Ingenuity and innovation are the only things that are going to get us through to what we can only call “the new normal”…💡

It’s commonly accepted that ideas, left unshared, are meaningless, and only through the act of sharing them can they encounter those serendipitous encounters that can make them a reality.💡

That’s why RIGOR exists… RIGOR is a support group for ideators… A place where anyone can share their ideas, whether enormous or minuscule… 💡

Your idea might be world-changing… It might be capable of transforming the mundane into the extraordinary… Or it might be a new A/B test you plan to conduct with your mailing list… Or simply a new twist on a favorite recipe… 💡

Whatever it is, you can get involved by simply sharing one of your many ideas every Friday, or “Free Random Idea Day” with the hashtag “#RIGOR”! Ideate away! 💡

💡💡💡💡 #RIGOR 💡💡💡💡




I’m not a sage on the stage nor a guide on the side, just a thinker and a drinker who is apt to tinker…