20 Images Only NBA Fans Will Appreciate

John Schaefer
4 min readJul 10, 2018

The following images each tell a unique story, capture a rare sight, or recall a specific, captivating moment in NBA history.

I will be giving each image my own title, in reference to the situation and surrounding circumstances.

However, I will not be providing extensive background information on each picture, as this post is directed towards photographs that “only people who know basketball can understand.”


#1 Nate Robinson (5′9) posterizes Shaq (7′1) after a Celtics practice (2010)

#2 Lebron’s “biggest regret” in national media management (July 8th, 2010)

#3 The Afternmath (2010)

#4 What could have been (2011)

#5 War or Peace? (2012)

#6 Ray Allen gifts Lebron Second NBA Title (2013)

#7 Snap, Crackle, Pop (2014)

#8 The Infamous Banana Boat (2016)

#9 It’s complicated (2012-present)


#11 Rappers wanna be ballers and ballers wanna be rappers

#12 Yikes

#12 Its called fashion, look it up

#13 Kiss the ring

#14 The rookie and the vet

#15 Frenemies :)

#16 Basketball IQ

#17 I wonder if he’ll get drafted

#18 Last chance for Steve

#19 Don’t Reach Young Blood

#20 The greatest puppets of all time

If you know, you know.

