100 Words Per Day for 100 Days

Jeremy Schwartz
2 min readJun 2, 2017


I might also throw in some absurd stock images. This one came up when I searched “Writing” for example. Source

I know this particular mission has been written about before, so bear with me.

I just got done writing 31 bird haiku in 31 days (find all of them here), and I needed a slightly elevated writing challenge to take on next.

I’m going to shoot for at least 100 words per day for the next 100 days and post them all here. Just as a warning, you might see some odd stuff. Some writing about birds, some musings of mine, maybe even a collection of haiku here and there. My only rule is that is has to be semi-coherent. I can’t just type a random collection of words until I reach that magic 100.

I’ve got an Evernote notebook full of writing ideas just waiting to see the light of day. Some will likely deserve it more than others. I might even bang out a nice, meaty 1,500 word piece here or there.

Anyway, what you’re reading now is my second entry ( 192 words to be precise). Check out my first below.

I’ll also be tagging them all with “100 Words” to hopefully make them easier to find.

Onward and upward!



Jeremy Schwartz

Writer, former reporter, current marketer, birder, science nerd, adult Lego enthusiast.