How to Find Agile Web Development Services?

4 min readOct 21, 2020


Agile methodology is a board category of methodologies based on the principles in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

The agile methodology enables continuous iteration which means the small release of software development and testing throughout the software development life cycle of the project.


  • Introduction
  • Waterfall Versus Agile
  • What is Agile Methodology?
  • Agile Approaches And Agile Methods
  • Core Principles of Agile
  • Agile Development Components
  • What are the Benefits of Agile Development to Product Owners?
  • Does Agile Work With Remote Team
  • How do I Find Agile Professional Web Development Services?
  • Summing Up


If you’re a business and want to increase your revenue then you need a website. And probably you would like to hire someone for web development services.

Web development services are referred to as activities related to website development, software development, web design, app development, web servers, web content, website security, e-commerce, and so on.

But, before a professional web development team writes their first line of code, it is necessary to make fundamental decisions about what development methodology would be the right one for the project.

A web development team has a lot of moving parts and every website or project is different. Therefore, it becomes very important to keep every team member on the same page.

There are two primary development methodologies web development teams utilize for productive team collaboration, Waterfall, and Agile.

But before hiring any professional software developer you must be aware of some key software development terminologies.

The most common terminology used by professional web developers is an Agile Methodology.

Waterfall Versus Agile

The waterfall methodology is the “old school” development methodology. The stages of this method are always in the same order:

Requirement Analysis — Design — Coding — Testing — Deployment — Maintenance

While Agile is more dynamic and a collaborative approach to project management.

The agile web development process is composed of a series of sprints or cycles that involves:

Discovery — Design — Development- Testing.

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a board category of methodologies based on the principles in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

The agile methodology enables continuous iteration which means the small release of software development and testing throughout the software development life cycle of the project.

Agile testing starts at the beginning of the project with rapid integration between developers and testers.

Agile Approaches And Agile Methods

Agile approaches and Agile methods are umbrella terms that cover a variety of frameworks and methods.

  • Scrum
  • Lean
  • Kanban
  • Crystal
  • Scrumban
  • Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
  • Extreme Programming (XP)

Iterative and incremental approaches reduce waste and rework because of feedback. These approaches use:

  • Very short feedback loops
  • Frequent adaption of process
  • Re-prioritization
  • Regularly updated plans
  • Frequent delivery

Core Principles of Agile

  • Welcome change or respond to changes
  • Work in small value-added increments
  • Use build and feedback loops
  • Learn through delivery
  • Value-driven development
  • Continuous improvement

Agile Development Components

An Agile development consists of multiple components

  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Scrum Meetings
  • Scrum Master
  • Shippable Increments

What are the benefits of Agile development to Product Owners?

  • Allows Changes
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Transparency
  • Reduce Risk
  • Increased ROI
  • Focuses on Business Value
  • Early and Predictable Delivery
  • Predictable Cost and Schedule
  • Allows for Change
  • Focuses on User
  • Improves Quality

How do I Find Agile Professional Web Development Services?

One way is to build your own in-house web development team. The other option is to get help from a professional web development team from anywhere in the world via remote freelance platforms.

In the present digital era, more and more people are hiring Agile web development services from all over the world and are using different project management tools to implement Agility.

Does Agile Work With Remote Teams

Yes, Agile processes can be moved remotely. These days communication and collaboration are not an issue.

The following are some of the measures needed to make sure to adjust your software/project development practices for remote teams.

  • Set up an online planning board (Jira ideal tool)
  • Schedule daily standups (zoom, google hangouts, slack)
  • Hold iteration planning meetings (conference call)
  • Schedule an online meeting to demonstrate the functionality
  • Define the acceptance criteria
  • Create a release schedule
  • Structure the team knowledge

Tip: Agile process can be better visualized as a positive feedback loop

Summing Up

Web development is the most important phase of the product development cycle and it needs to be Agile.

It can be concluded that Agile professional web development services are the most demanding services in the software development process.

You will find hundreds of different web development service providers but you need to find professional web development services that practice Agile as their software development process.




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