Sketching Business Models

Josh Seiden
1 min readNov 17, 2015


It’s important for product teams to be able to visualize business models quickly. We have good methods for teams to visualize the product (by sketching wireframes) and the user (with personas). But we have few tools for sketching business models.

So here’s a quick screencast that explains a method I’ve put together that we’re excited about. Take a look (it’s only 8 minutes) and let me know what you think.

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I’d love to hear what you think. Leave a response here or hit me on twitter: I’m @jseiden.

PS: About the Business Model Canvas

I know that some of you are thinking I’ve ignored the Business Model Canvas. I talk about that in the video — I’ve never found it easy to use with clients. I think the canvas is a valuable tool, but the technique I’m describing here is adjacent to it and serves a different need.

