An Introduction to i386 Boot Loader Programming

Josh Schiavone
5 min readJul 17, 2020


It seems like right when you turn on your PC, magic happens. It’s almost like regular users believe anything below high-level software programs is almost impossible to comprehend. However, that’s not the case and I believe it’s crucial for a programmer to understand the levels of computing from the hardware all the way up to everyday programs.

Below is a comprehensive diagram on the computer architecture hierarchy:

Let’s break it down.

Level 0: Bare-metal. circuit boards, memory buses, etc.

Level 1 & 2: Micro-architecture. CPU instruction sets, memory communication.

Level 3: The Operating System (i.e. Windows, Linux, etc). Found right above the firmware and the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

Level 4: Assembly. A human readable language that translates to machine code that the CPU can execute.

Level 5. High-level Programming (C/C++, Java, Python). Trivial for humans to grasp that translates down to assembly language, that translates all the way down to machine code.

In this write up, we will be working in the level 3–4 hierarchy space.


A) Nasm: The net wide assembler is the most popular assembler and disassembler for the Intel x86 CPU architecture. It is used to write 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit programs.

B) QEMU: A simplistic virtualization program for Linux to run operating systems as virtual machines, without boot-able media.


Ubuntu & Debian:

sudo apt install nasm qemu

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S nasm qemu


sudo brew install nasm qemu 

Core Concepts

Absolute Addresses:

An absolute address can be defined with the assembly “org” instruction which allows us to to set our location counter address to execute our code at link time. Let’s take a look at the MBR’s process from a memory standpoint.

The master boot record has a maximum fixed size of 512 bytes. In all cases, the boot sector is loaded at address 0x7c00. We will declare our MBR entry point at this address in the code.

Magic Numbers:

Magic numbers are the final two bytes of the Master Boot Record (511–512) which must be written as a hexadecimal value to initialize the boot sector process. This section of the MBR must contain ‘AA’ an ‘55’. These two bytes classifies it as a valid MBR.

x86 Assembly Concepts

Basic command breakdown:

Below I will demonstrate the basic assembly commands that we will use to write a simple boot loader.

mov register, value ; simply stores a value into the given registerjmp label:          ; jump to a specified point (i.e, function or back to a loop)call function:      ; executes a defined functioncmp dest, src:      ; will compare two operandsjle label:          ; will jump back somewhere if previous compare is less or equal. (l = less, e = equal)int value:          ; calls a kernel interrupt


These are our general purpose assembly registers for our CPU to store data. We will be programming the boot sector in 16-bit mode so we will stick with, AH, AL (8-bit), BH, BL (8-bit). We won’t be touching the counter and data registers but we certainly can if we wanted to. To view all the other CPU registers, they can be found here:

Programming The Boot loader

Firstly, we will create a boot.asm file where we will write our boot loader code.

To start off, we will write an assembly program to print a character to QEMU.

[org 0x7c00] ; MBR start addressmov ah, 0x0E ; BIOS command to move our cursor forward
mov al, 'X' ; Store the character to print in the al register
int 0x10 ; BIOS interrupt - equivalent to print function
jmp $times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; byte padding
dw 0xAA55 ; magic MBR number

Assemble the program:

nasm boot.asm -f bin -o boot.bin

Run the boot sector with QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 -fda boot.bin

Awesome. We now printed the character ‘X’ from the OS layer. Although, it’s not very smart storing single characters in separate memory addresses and combining them as strings. Let’s write a function to print each character in a string, using loops.

[org 0x7c00] ; MBR start address 

mov si, STR ; store our first string in the si register
call printf

mov si, STR_B ; store our second string in the si register
call printf

jmp $ ; infinite loop

pusha ; push everything onto the stack, only 16-bit mode
str_loop: ; loop function
mov al, [si] ; move first char of STR to a-low
cmp al, 0 ; look for null terminator
jne print_char ; continue to print each char in STR
popa ; pop all stack values

mov ah, 0x0E ; call our BIOS code for cursor shift
int 0x10
add si, 1 ; move forward memory location by one
jmp str_loop

STR: db ‘Bootsector loaded successfully’, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
STR_B: db “Dummy OS — Power off the machine to load a real OS”, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0

; padding & magic number
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55 ; initiliaze boot sector

Above will produce the following output:

We now booted into a BIOS that does absolutely nothing but displays strings. From this point, the opportunities are endless. You can now start developing an operating system from the ground up that actually serves a purpose.


In this write up, we covered the computer architecture hierarchy, absolute addresses, magic numbers, basic assembly instructions, CPU registers, and actually developing a minimalist boot loader.

If you’re interested to see some of my other projects, feel free to visit my GitHub:

2020 © Josh Schiavone



Josh Schiavone

Systems Programmer, Reverse Engineer, Malware Researcher, Teenager. Co-Founder of Profify.