Jake McCracken
3 min readApr 7, 2020


I’m not referring to my physical shape although there is some truth to that as well. The word “shape” in the title of this read is referring to who I have become over the years.

Just like everyone there are certain events that take place in one’s life that has a significant impact on who they are today and who they will become tomorrow.

I grew up in a home with a single mother that raised six children. I was fifth of six so I had plenty of time to be kid. Which I’m grateful for.

My oldest siblings are brothers and they had to help financially more than I did. I still had lawn mowing jobs, worked as a student-janitor after school and had a construction job during the summer as well.

By the time I got to high school my litter sister and I were only ones left at home, so expenses weren’t what they used to be and I was able to pay for my own things instead of having to contribute my entire paycheck to the family bank account like my older brothers.

Our mother wanted us to learn how to work and that is one of the greatest attributes she instilled in me. Whether I was helping my Mom out with groceries, utility bills or buying my own basketball shoes it was that feeling of providing that I will cherish forever.

One way my Mom taught us to work hard was on the Radler Farm in Meridian, ID on the south side of Lake Hazel and west of Eagle Rd.

Mr. Radler took a German class at Boise State University in is later years because he wanted to learn German. He was a dairy and corn farmer and because of his curiosity it lead to shaping who I am today.

As my Mom taught the class she got to know her students. Mr. Radler was much older than my Mom, was married and had a kind heart. I remember going over to their house mainly to play on their hay stacks that were 10' tall and sometimes to work in the corn fields or see how he takes care of his cows.

He graciously let us pick as much corn as we could and then allowed us to sell it on the side of the road and told us to keep all of the money. That’s the kind of person he was.

That SHAPED me.

This is the Radler Farm house that’s so dear to me. See the building behind it to the right?! That used to be stacked full of hay :)

I don’t remember having a father in the house and just like countless church leaders, he was one of the men that shaped who I am today. His ability to work hard as a dairy farmer and then to help us pick his own corn(If you’ve never picked corn in a short leave t-shirt and shorts you’re missing out!) for our benefit will never be forgotten.

Another lesson I learned from him was that after the chores were done is when we could go play on the hay. Those will forever be some of my fondest memories as a kid.

Who knows who I would be today if I didn’t enjoy working on the Radler Farm and being outside from such a young age!

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Jake McCracken

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