2019 Goals — Overview

Joe Previte
2 min readDec 22, 2018


At the beginning of 2018, I wrote a post sharing my goals and what I hoped to accomplish. To establish some accountability, I also began writing a reflection article at the end of each month to summarize my progress. It seemed to be a good strategy so I’m carrying over into 2019.

I’ve put together my goals for this new year and broken them into 6 categories: Emotional, Financial, Intellectual, Physical, Professional and Spiritual.

To keep it simple, I wrote three goals for each category. Most of them are measurable which will make it easier to judge whether or not I’m successful.

💙 Emotional

  • Listen without feeling need to fix situation
  • Focus on relationships that matter
  • Embrace minimalism

💰 Financial

  • Save $36K
  • Find financial mentor
  • Start investing

👨🏼‍🏫 Intellectual

  • Read 12 books
  • Launch 2 projects on Product Hunt
  • Master GraphQL

🏋🏼‍♂️ Physical

  • Bench 250lbs
  • 100 hours of yoga
  • Dunk a basketball

👨🏼‍💻 Professional

  • Speak at 5 conferences
  • Write 6 articles
  • Publish 24 egghead videos

🧘🏼‍♂️ Spiritual

  • 200 hours of meditation
  • 5-day retreat
  • Solo retreat

Most of these are pretty straightforward. The only ones I probably need to elaborate on are the Emotional ones. Let me break these down:

Listen without feeling need to fix situation

From introspection and some conversations with close family and friends, I’ve realized I have a tendency to “fix” things. When someone close to me has a problem, or expresses some type of “suffering”, my immediate reaction is to find a solution.

Instead, I’ve realized I need to listen and be there for that person, without trying to find a solution.

Focus on relationships that matter

In high school and college and then post-college, we meet a lot of people. I spend time thinking about previous relationships. It feel impossible to keep them alive. And I’ve come to realize, I can’t.

So instead, my goal is to focus on the ones that matter the once.

Embrace minimalism

This could be interpreted in many ways but the main idea I want to communicate with this goal is to have less stuff. Over the past few years, I’ve bought things here and there and a lot of it sits around without being used. I would rather someone put good use to it (like my climbing gear).

For 2019, I hope to embrace minimalist and be more mindful when purchasing things.

And that wraps it up for my 2019 goals overview! 😃 Thanks for reading! If you wrote up an overview of your goals, please share a link in a comment below! I’d love to read about them 😸

