11 JavaScript Examples to Source Code That Reveal Design Patterns In Use

Find more inspiration from these repositories

7 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

While we write code for web applications we are constantly trying to make good decisions. It’s not always an easy task especially when our code becomes larger over time.

Fortunately there are some techniques we can incorporate into our code to solve complex issues. They’re called design patterns.

This post will go over several source codes in the JavaScript world that you can look at to find some inspiration, answers, or even as a learning experience so that you can speed up your pace in learning the advanced coding techniques without feeling alone.

I noticed that not many articles out there directly reveal the patterns that are used in source codes and leave that task to the audience. I don’t know about you but when I was new to programming this would have been very helpful. Don’t worry, I got you covered.

Builder Design Pattern

One of my favorite libraries demonstrating the builder pattern in practice is spotify-web-api-node.

The builder design pattern is a behavior pattern that helps to construct objects that are otherwise complex without it.




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