The Negative Impact of AI

Jacob Smith
3 min readJul 6, 2023


A.I. is bad for our environment and our safety in the workplace. It is more concerning for the majority of future jobs and generations. A.I. is bad because it gives us a possible look into what the dystopian future could look like. If we do not regulate A.I., we could potentially see it ruin our future. For many, this is a major concern because it causes people to lose their jobs and makes the future darker.

I believe that A.I. has the capacity to ruin people’s writing, like on essays and writing material. As a result of AI taking over their creative ideas on essays, people make it seem like it is not a bad idea. A.I. such as ChatGPT can write entire essays in the span of a minute or thirty seconds depending on the subject matter. Additionally, ChatGPT includes a premium that can make the program write faster and have more ideas for each attempt.

The government needs to regulate how A.I. can be used. This should be a concern because A.I. is getting smarter each day that we use it. It adapts to situations of various topics. As a result of this, it makes people lazy when writing formal essays and revising them. For example, A.I. can control many different aspects of its essay and can be bias towards its subject matter. Another point is that A.I. can make essays seem more complex than they actually are and A.I. are not transparent with the information they use.

Lack of interaction between humans as they develop can make them immoral toward their actions because they strictly communicate with computers. It can take a toll on how people interact with others’ emotions and how they control them. For example, in the age of social media, where there is less human interaction and people are no longer communicating with each other; they rely on technology for everything. For many who struggle with social anxiety, they may be more comfortable speaking to A.I. This is the reason society is doomed to fail. For instance, the movie Terminator portrays a good example of the future dystopia that we are heading towards.

According to an article in Forbes magazine, “AI has an insatiable desire for data, both from the past and from the present. What we say and do will become increasingly ‘on the record,’ unless consumers are educated to make informed decisions about where AI is deployed — such as on the edge, where their data can remain safe, or in the cloud, where it is constantly at risk,” (sec. 1. AI Privacy). A.I. could potentially take all people’s data and sell them to companies. In other words, A.I has all of our data and is monetizing our content.

However, A.I. has its benefits; it creates job opportunities. For instance, It boosts job markets like computer science and computer engineering. For some, this may be a bad thing to have A.I. controls our jobs, but others say it can beneficial for us to have A.I. look through our mistakes, fix our problems, and improve our accuracy. It can also improve our efficiency in decision making. A.I. can reduce human errors towards important decision making. Another point is that A.I. can create many different opportunities in society that may seem uncomfortable to us.

In conclusion, we have evidence that A.I. has a significant negative impact on society, such as replacing jobs, destroying creativity, and destroying privacy. Another point is that A.I. could replace workers and take away other forms of income, which could make this a dystopian future to society and for future generations. A.I. can benefit humanity and society with effective regulation.

