PSD to WordPress Converter: Very User-Friendly Even for New Developers

Jsmith Kely
2 min readOct 7, 2019


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The most significant benefit for all the website owners who are migrating from PSD to WordPress is the fact that it provides a user-friendly platform that is effortless to use even for new developers. Remember, not all website owners are going to be technically sound. It is also not necessary for them to know coding, which is mandatory to carry out alterations on interfaces created by employing other platforms.

WordPress consists of an intuitive admin dashboard which is perfect for new developers. The reason being, it does not require any programming input to make the most out of the changes. This way, you will be able to manage the website and carry out essential tasks, including updating content a convenient job. If you wish to take advantage of this ingenious platform, avail the services of a professional WordPress website development company.

Easy Extension of Functionalities:

Since WordPress is an open-source platform, it becomes easy for people to extend the functionality of their interface. It even provides plug-ins to its users that can be integrated with a website to provide the desired functionality. Due to its open-source nature, several developers have already created several plug-ins consisting of a variety of functionalities.

Website owners will find one that meets their requirements in the WordPress library. And if you think to research for a plug-in and then adding it to the interface is a technical task, you are wrong! It can quickly be completed by a person who is familiar with this platform.

Ensures That You Get a More Alluring Website:

PSD interfaces look quite pleasing to the eye. However, migrating to WordPress is one-step ahead. The reason being, it assists the website owner in getting an even more alluring website. The CMS in WordPress employs pixel grids for positioning the elements of an image. This way, it optimizes its sharpness that adds to the visual appeal of the interface.

Once a website owner has shifted to WordPress, they can opt from a wide array of themes bifurcated into different categories. Some of these themes are free, which others are paid. It is beneficial to select a theme that is related to your website.

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Jsmith Kely

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