Emoji Life

Emoji.life is a site dedicated to analyzing, tuning and sharing your emoji usage on twitter.

3 min readFeb 29, 2016
Did you know multiple Apple Emoji have Steve Jobs quotes hidden in them?


Emoji are a simple and fun way to be expressive. I happen to think analytics/data are a lot of fun too. Ben Rubin likes to say I’m on a “quest to quantify the world” — not totally untrue. So marrying analytics and emoji is just a no-brainer.

What you can learn

After connecting your twitter (for read-only access) you’ll get a bunch of stats including:

  • An emoji ranking 🏆
  • Your most frequently used (favorite) emoji 📊
  • A timeline of your emoji usage 📈
  • Your most engaging emoji ❤️🔁

The Emoji Rank

When you log in you’ll get a playful rank based on a few key factors of emoji usage. Ranks include:

💎 Emoji Master

🌟 Emoji Fluent

🎩 Emoji Literate

🎈 Emoji Novice

🐣 Emoji Newb

Evolution of Emojilytics

My interest in emoji analytics (shortened to emojilytics by Ryan Hoover) began with my work at Meerkat. During a stream, a comment consisting of a single emoji causes your avatar to flip. Your image becomes this emoji. In a sense, for a quick second, you become an emoji. It is meant to represent your feelings. It conveys to a broadcaster more info than any text could, in an elegant but fun way. A broadcaster can learn a lot from the emoji their audience uses… so of course it made its way to Meerkat Stats 😃. But it’s not just me… Instagram calls it emojineering — it’s clear that emoji has become an incredibly important part of culture, language and the internet.

Thank You!


Emoji Tracker is amazing. Matthew Rothenberg’s writing and github was HUGELY helpful in the development of Emoji Life 💯. Looking at things in aggregate is awesome, but I tend to also drill down and see what an individual can learn from big chunks of data.


David Diamond did a lot of the design for Emoji Life. He sent me a bunch of sketch files, with beautiful font sizing and a properly designed layout. I couldn’t have done it without him.

Technical Challenges

I’ll probably write a separate piece about the infrastructure of Emoji Life… but Mike Coutermarsh was incredibly helpful in 1) deciphering the ruby of EmojiTracker & 2) talking through technical challenges, especially around scale and the twitter API.

❤️ & 🔁 & 🌟 & 👍 & 🗣 & 💃

If you like this… sharing would be awesome.

Love on PH is cool.

Dancing is okay too.

Don’t forget:

Check out your #EmojiLife here!




BizOps & Data @ Houseparty… I make things & write about them.