Why the Gentiles should believe in Jesus Christ?

Jeong-soo Kim
4 min readAug 6, 2023


  • In short, it’s because Jesus Christ is the judge for the Gentiles.

Through this article, I hope you will learn who the judge for Jews and Gentiles is and take one step further in your knowledge of Jesus Christ.

(I would like to inform you in advance that this article is based on the King James Bible.)

Jesus Christ serves as both the judge and the advocate.

At first, Jesus Christ came to this earth to save the Jews (John 1:12).

The Jews did not accept Him, but as prophesied beforehand in Isaiah, it is written in Matthew 12:17–21 that the Gentiles would come to trust in the name of Jesus.

If you look closely at verse 18 of this passage, God states that He will place His own Spirit upon Jesus so that Jesus will demonstrate justice in judgment to the Gentiles.

Now, let’s examine the judgment of the Jews.

In the first half of Matthew chapter 10, Jesus appoints the twelve disciples as apostles and instructs them to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, which refers to the Jews, and proclaim the kingdom of heaven. The twelve apostles supported Jesus’ ministry throughout the three years of His public life.

The Last Supper

However, there is a surprising content recorded in Matthew 19:27–28. This passage contains a conversation between Peter and Jesus. In the earlier part, Jesus discusses the difficulty of the rich entering the kingdom of heaven and addresses the issue of human salvation. He emphasizes that while salvation may seem impossible for humans, it is possible before God. This leads to Peter’s question, which is found in verse 27.

Peter, one of the twelve apostles

What is the question? Peter’s question was about what the twelve apostles, who followed and served Jesus, could gain in return. Peter might have been thinking, “As the twelve apostles are Jesus’ helpers, we will surely receive salvation from God.”

Continuing on, the response of Jesus in verse 28 went far beyond Peter’s wish for salvation. Jesus said that the twelve apostles would sit on twelve thrones, each judging one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

What do you think? If one apostle judges one tribe, then Jesus would not be able to judge Israel, right? So, as mentioned earlier and returning to Matthew chapter 12, Jesus is said to demonstrate justice in judgment to the Gentiles.

Jews and Gentiles

Now, shall we take a look at the salvation ministry for both Jews and Gentiles?

In Romans 15:8, it is written that Jesus Christ became the minister of the circumcision. By referring to John 1:11–12 in connection with this, you can gain a better understanding of Jesus being the minister of the circumcision. In summary, while Jesus ministered to the Jews, it is a fact that the final judgment is carried out by the twelve apostles.

On the other hand, what about the Gentiles?

In Romans 15:16, it is recorded that Paul becomes the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. Similarly to Matthew 12:17–21, we can understand that the judgment of the Gentiles is carried out directly by Jesus Himself.

In Acts 10:42–43, it is written that God appointed Jesus as the judge and that those who believe in Jesus will receive the forgiveness of sins through His name.

Now, I will draw a conclusion.

The judge for the Jews is the twelve apostles, and the judge for the Gentiles is Jesus Christ. Additionally, both Jews and Gentiles must believe in Jesus Christ in order to be forgiven of their sins.

Although the brevity of this article might cause some confusion, I have carefully considered and taken up the pen to convey clear information to you all.

As it stands now, if any Gentile receives judgment, they have no choice but to go to hell.

So, what should one do to avoid receiving judgment? By believing in Jesus and becoming a saint, one can have confidence on the Day of Judgment as described in 1 John 4:17.

How can the saints be confident on the Day of Judgment? It’s because they are certain that they will not face judgment. For they are no longer the subjects of judgment.

I conclude this article.

Holy Bible

