20 People You Should Know

Josh Spector
5 min readAug 3, 2015


With all the cat videos and clickbait that fills our news feeds these days, it’s easy to forget the Internet can also be used to share things that make us smarter, more creative, and inspire us to do great work.

A little over a month ago, I started a website to do just that.

APersonYouShouldKnow.com launched with a simple premise: Each day I profile one person you’re better off for knowing.

I’ve been thrilled to see how people have responded to the concept, sent me suggestions of other people I had never heard of to feature on the site, and have come together to form a growing community of people interested in learning from those who generously share their brilliance with the world.

With that in mind, I’d like to share a quick glimpse of the first 20 people I’ve profiled on the site and some of the smart things they’ve said.

If you do anything creative or entrepreneurial I can’t recommend them highly enough.

You can click any of their names to learn a lot more about them or sign up here to get each day’s person sent to you by email.

Seth Godin

Author. Marketer. Idea Spreader.

“Change isn’t made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later.”

Austin Kleon

Writer. Artist.

“You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life. You are the sum of your influences.”

Ben Chestnut

Co-founder & CEO, Mailchimp

“Fearlessness begets happiness, which begets creativity, which begets innovation, which begets profits.”

Bob Lefsetz

Music Industry Analyst. Newsletter Author.

“You think you want to become famous. But what you’re truly looking for is to become known.”

Tina Roth Eisenberg

Blogger. Designer. Founder, Creative Mornings and Tattly.

“We should always be willing to sprinkle a little nonsense into the work we do.”

Jason Hirschhorn

Chief Curator and CEO, ReDEF.com

“Failure is just a way of learning something new.”

Yung Jake

Artist. Rapper.

“I’m hesitant to call myself a character separate from my real self. But I’m a character [as] you are a character.”

Aaron Draplin


“The most inspiring, interesting designers are charismatic people. They know how to talk. How to communicate. How to soothe. How to sell bullshit.”

Casey Gerald

Co-Founder & CEO, MBAs Across America.

“A story is the most dangerous weapon in the universe. That’s why we have to risk everything to tell the truth, which is damp and dark and dirty.”

Ian Rogers

CEO, Beats Music.

“Our kids are going to watch exactly what they want to — not what’s marketed to them.”

Wendy MacNaughton

Illustrator. Graphic Journalist.

“When you look at someone through an empathic lens, there’s a huge story there. It’s never just what you see on the surface.”

Nir Eyal

Author. Entrepreneur. Behavioral Design Expert.

“Products that require a high degree of behavior change are doomed to fail.”

Baratunde Thurston

Writer. Comedian. Co-founder and CEO of Cultivated Wit.

“Remember something about attention. Yes, it’s possible to buy, grab, or even steal it. But it’s far better to earn it.”

Jeremiah Owyang

Industry Analyst. Founder, Crowd Companies.

“When you open your email you pay someone else, because it’s usually people reaching out to ask you for something. Taking the time to read blogs, synthesize and add value, that builds your community. That’s paying yourself first.”

Warren Ellis

Writer. Graphic Novelist. Futurist.

“To improve reality is to clearly see where you are, and then wonder how to make that better.”

Sharon Ann Lee

Culture Analyst. Founder, CultureBrain.

“I’m not afraid of losing it all. I’m more afraid of spending my life away on meaningless shit.”

Dave Pell

Investor. Curator. Writer. Managing Director, The Internet.

“It’s always the personal stuff people remark on. We’re all dying for human connection on the web.”

Brene Brown

Researcher. Storyteller.

“Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous.”

Derek Sivers

Musician. Entrepreneur. Programmer. Writer.

“The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader.”

Joel Gascoigne

Co-Founder and CEO, Buffer.

“It is just as easy to be stalled by ‘I don’t know’ as it is to let ‘I know’ cause you to become less open-minded.”

If you find these people interesting, please check out APersonYouShouldKnow.com or join the email list to get introduced to another new person every day.

And please RECOMMEND this post to help spread the word about these people!



Josh Spector

I’ll help you produce, promote, and profit from your creations. Subscribe to my newsletter for free personalized recommendations: ForTheInterested.com/subscribe