Lighting and normal map update

Joseph Long
2 min readMar 16, 2017


Recently I have been carrying out lighting tests in preparation for the scene coming together, I have produced lighting that resembles the concept art. However, it is heavy on render times as to create this lighting, the sampling in the render settings must be raised otherwise gain what is known as “Fireflies” common when using Arnold. I will have to figure out a way to re create this light effect without using the Arnold area light.

Continuing from my last post, I have solved my normal map issues through re creating them in maya. I have also discovered that it was not just issues with zbrush but also with Arnold materials not liking normal maps that are not gamma corrected. Though this is a simple fix, I did not need to use Arnold materials so I continued with what I have.

As seen there are issues with the sleeves not being thick enough, I discovered this after exporting out of zbrush and setting up normal maps as the issues with the normal maps distracted me. During working on the model in zbrush something happened. Im not quite sure what but the thickness of the clothes somehow reduced which must have been something I had done by mistake.

I will have to leave the model as it is because I am currently behind schedule from the amount of issues I have encountered recently. I have also began rigging the model, but that is for another post.

