Podcast Movement 2021: 3 Takeaways for Independent Podcasters

Jenna Spinelle
5 min readAug 9, 2021
Lauren Passell of Tink Media and Podcast The Newsletter speaking at Podcast Movement 2021 in Nashville.

I’m just back from Podcast Movement 2021 in Nashville, the first in-person conference for me and many other attendees since early 2020.

The conference’s organizers made the best of difficult circumstances as the spread of COVID-19's Delta variant made some attendees and presenters shift their attendance from in-person to virtual.

From what I saw, there were more podcast industry professionals at the conference this year than in previous years and fewer independent podcasters. This could be a one-time blip because of COVID or perhaps a reflection of the broader shift in the podcast landscape. It will be interesting to see what attendance looks like next year.

True to Podcast Movement’s mission, the event’s sessions focused heavily on how independent podcasters can succeed in what is still a rapidly-growing industry.

Here are three takeaways that I know I’ll be thinking about for my show throughout the rest of this year and beyond:

You can’t succeed unless you know your audience

As the podcast landscape becomes crowded with more shows and companies with large advertising budgets, independent creators need to hone in on who they’re making their shows for and how to connect with that…



Jenna Spinelle

Writer, podcaster, and speaker in higher education. I love a good story and believe that everyone has one to tell.