Communicating effectively while working remotelyPRO Tip: Go for call if your conversation with your colleague lasts for more than 10 minutes in chat.May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Developing a custom keyboard extension for iOSI was recently working on a custom keyboard application. I was trying few things (which of course the client asked to do) for many hours…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Key Value Coding and Key Value ObservingKey Value Coding: Key value coding is a mechanism which helps us to access the properties of an object indirectly by name (or key, which…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
IBInspectable and IBDesignableOne of the cool feature that was introduced in the Xcode 6 is enabling interface builder attributes for your custom view. i.e., the…Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
Application’s own spotlightHave you ever searched for a menu in an application, i.e, you know the name of the menu and you know it’s somewhere in the menu hierarchy…Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
iPhone tips and tricksThere are many hidden features in iPhone which are not mentioned anywhere in the apple website, but works.Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
Selecting a control among multiple in Interface Builder.When you are working on the Interface Builder, you will find it hard to select a particular control when lot of controls are near by it…Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
Published inMac O’ClockAsset Catalogue in XcodeApple introduced a new concept called “Asset Catalogue” with the XCode5. It is even better with the latest XCode.Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
Promoting Apps with Smart App BannersSafari has a new Smart App Banner feature in iOS 6 and later that provides a standardised method of promoting apps on the App Store from a…Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020