Liver Cirrhosis

JSS Hospital Mysore
2 min readJul 1, 2024


Liver Cirrhosis

Causes of Cirrhosis Cirrhosis develops due to liver damage from conditions like chronic alcohol abuse, viral hepatitis (B and C), fatty liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, and genetic disorders. Over time, healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, impairing liver function.

Symptoms of Cirrhosis Early stages may show no symptoms. As cirrhosis progresses, symptoms include fatigue, weakness, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), itching, abdominal swelling, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and confusion.

Complications of Cirrhosis Serious complications can arise, such as portal hypertension, ascites (abdominal fluid buildup), hepatic encephalopathy (mental confusion), liver cancer, and liver failure.

Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis involves blood tests, imaging (ultrasound, CT scan, MRI), and sometimes liver biopsy. Treatment aims to manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and prevent complications through lifestyle changes, medications, and in severe cases, liver transplantation.

Prevention Strategies Preventative measures include hepatitis B vaccination, safe sex practices to avoid hepatitis B and C transmission, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding fatty foods to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Raising Awareness Educational campaigns in communities, schools, and workplaces are crucial to inform about cirrhosis causes, symptoms, and prevention. Utilize social media and other platforms for widespread dissemination of information.

Support for Patients and Families Support groups and counseling services help patients and families cope with the emotional and practical challenges of managing cirrhosis.

By promoting awareness and implementing preventative strategies, we can reduce the impact of cirrhosis and improve outcomes for affected individuals.

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