The Many Benefits Of Group Health Insurance Quotes

Jessica Logan
2 min readSep 24, 2014


Group health insurance in San Jose is basically a benefit which various companies offer to their employees. This helps them receive medical treatment from private hospitals quickly and without any cost. This helps employees receive the medical treatment which they require without having to waste too much time and undergo unnecessary suffering.

But don’t make the mistake of thinking that this scheme is beneficial only for the employees. Even the business owner will benefit substantially from taking out such a policy. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways in which both will benefit:

1. As far as the employer is concerned, whenever their employees need treatment, they will get it immediately which means they will recover faster and the amount of time they spend away from their job gets reduced drastically.

2. Employees will be able to focus better at work as well since they don’t have to worry about any unforeseen medical expenses in the future either.

3. As far as the employee is concerned, they are going to automatically get health insurance which has numerous benefits in itself. You cannot put any monetary value on your health now can you? They will no longer have to pay the high premiums required to take out individual health insurance. But they will have peace of mind at the same point of time.

4. Most companies that have group health insurance for their employees usually also have free health checks for their staff at least once every year. These checks cover all the common problems that people may face and can also help discover any undiagnosed problems in an individual. You could say that this is quite beneficial to both employees as well as employers too.

5. These benefits will help keep your staff happy and keep their morale high. It will show that the employer cares a lot about his/her staff which is a good thing as far as employee retention is concerned.

There are various different types of health insurance which a company can opt for although the most common things they go for include:

1. Day-patient & in-patient treatment after an employee has been properly diagnosed.
2. Any out-patient treatments such as physiotherapy.
3. Free helplines to call with problems at any time of day or night like stress counselling and even GP helplines.
4. Specialist consultation after being referred by a GP.

So if you haven’t yet taken a group health insurance policy for your employees, now is the time to start. Visit for more info

