Stakenet (XSN) TPoS on your own VPS #Guide

7 min readSep 13, 2018



I. Disclaimer

II. Rent a VPS-Server

III. Set up your VPS-Server

IV. Install xsn-core at your VPS

V. Set up your own TPoS-Contract at your VPS

I. Disclaimer

#1 This guide only works with xsn-wallet V1.0.10 +.

#2 This guide works for nearly every Linux distribution at your VPS.

#3 This guide works for nearly every Windows, Linux or iOS at your local PC.

#4 You need a SSH telnet client like PuTTY.

#5 You need one static IPv4 for every TPoS-Contract your VPS will host.

#6 If you dont have a VPS, you can rent a VPS at Vultr.

#7 Every IP, private key, public key and txid I used in this guide were only created and used for this guide. They never have been hot and are already destroyed.

II. Rent a VPS-Server

Cheapest rentable VPS for TPoS-Node

For setting up a TPoS-Merchant VPS with only one IPv4, the hardware requirements are very low. The cheapest server I know is a Vultr VPS located in Miami for 2.5$ a month.

III. Set up your VPS-Server

Step 1) Log into your VPS with PuTTY

Login your VPS with PuTTY: root@“your.vps.merchant.ip“.

If this is the first time, you login your VPS, you have to accept and add the servers SSH-Key. Just press yes.

If this is the first time you use a linux bash don‘t be confused. You never see your password when writing in a linux OS.

Tipp: If you use Vultr you can copy your password at their homepage and past it into linux with a right-klick.

Step 2) Set up a super-do user


adduser “your_user_name“

usermod -aG sudo “your_user_name“

Step 3) Update and upgrade your VPS


apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt dist-upgrade

Step 4) Install a virtual enviroment


apt install ufw python virtualenv git unzip pv

ufw allow ssh/tcp

ufw limit ssh/tcp

ufw allow 62583/tcp

ufw logging on

ufw enable

Step 5) Create a swapfile


fallocate -l 4G /swapfile

chmod 600 /swapfile

mkswap /swapfile

swapon /swapfile

Step 6) Mount your swapfile


nano /etc/fstab

/swapfile non swap sw 0 0

If this is the first time you use a linux bash don‘t be confused. The nano-command opens an editor. Navigate with the arrow keys to the bottom and write the /swapfile-command. To save your modifications, press ctrl+x, followed by y.

Step 7) Disable root login to protect your VPS


nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin no

MaxAuthTries 5

Navigate with the arrow keys to PermitRootLogin and change the yes into a no. Then add the MaxAuthTries line. To save your modifications, press ctrl+x, followed by y. From now on, you have to use the sudo user from Step 2) to login your VPS.

Step 8) Restart your VPS



You have to restart your PuTTY as well.

Step 9) Login your VPS and switch back to root



With su (switch user) you directly switch into root. Just enter your root-password now.

Set up your VPS-Server; Command summary:

adduser “your_user_name“

usermod -aG sudo “your_user_name“

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt dist-upgrade

apt install ufw python virtualenv git unzip pv

ufw allow ssh/tcp

ufw limit ssh/tcp

ufw allow 62583/tcp

ufw logging on

ufw enable

fallocate -l 4G /swapfile

chmod 600 /swapfile

mkswap /swapfile

swapon /swapfile

nano /etc/fstab

/swapfile non swap sw 0 0

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin no

MaxAuthTries 5



IV. Install xsn-core at your VPS

Step 1) Create an empty directory and download the wallet


cd ~

mkdir xsncore

cd xsncore/

wget “https://github_download_link“

At the moment you have to use this link:

If you want to install another version, you have to look for the link on github on your own.

Step 2) Unzip the downloaded files


tar xfvz xsn-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz

Step 3) Move your xsn-files to a secure place, change their permissions and clean up


mkdir ~/.xsncore

cp xsn-1.0.15/bin/xsnd ~/.xsncore/

cp xsn-1.0.15/bin/xsn-cli ~/.xsncore/

chmod 777 ~/.xsncore/xsn*

rm xsn-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz

rm -r xsn-1.0.15/

Keep in mind: If you downloaded another version of the wallet, your files might have another name. Example: wallet 1.0.15 file names were: xsn-1.0.15*

Step 4) Edit your xsn.conf file


nano ~/.xsncore/xsn.conf






externalip= your.vps.merchant.ip:62583

We will edit the xsn.conf in the next chapter, to upgrade your xsn-server to a merchantnode.

Step 5) Start your xsn-daemon



Install xsn-core at your VPS; Command summary:

cd ~

mkdir xsncore

cd xsncore/

wget “https://github_download_link“

tar xfvz xsn-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz

mkdir ~/.xsncore

cp xsn-1.0.15/bin/xsnd ~/.xsncore/

cp xsn-1.0.15/bin/xsn-cli ~/.xsncore/

chmod 777 ~/.xsncore/xsn*

rm xsn-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz

m -r xsn-1.0.15/

nano ~/.xsncore/xsn.conf






externalip= your.vps.merchant.ip:62583

Commands: ~/.xsncore/xsnd

V. Set up your own TPoS-Contract at your VPS

Foreword: Every command is executed at your VPS. There will be only one step, you need to execute at your cold wallet. This is the only moment your cold-wallet needs to be online for a few seconds.

Step 1) At your VPS: create a merchant address

old command # don’t use this command!
new command # please use this command!


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli getnewaddress “alias” legacy

Since wallet version 1.0.10+ you need to define your new address as a legacy address. A legacy address starts with X…. If you do not execute “alias” legacy, you will create a segwit address, starting with 7…. The “alias” parameter is to set the name of your TPoS address. You can name it whatevery you like.

Save this new address at a local editor, like Notepad. You need it in Step 2) and 3)

Tipp: mark the address in the linux bash and paste it into a local notepad.

Step 2) At your cold wallet: setup a tpos contract

Use the address form Step 1). Set the commission as low as possible, because you are your own merchant!

Step 3) At your VPS: show the privat key of the merchant address


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli dumpprivkey “getnewaddress result from Step 1)“

Step 4) At your VPS: show your tpos contract


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli tposcontract list

Save the txid at a local editor, like Notepad. You need it in Step 5) and Step 10)

Step 5) At your VPS: edit the merchantnode.conf


nano ~/.xsncore/merchantnode.conf

name ip:port privatkey txid

Step 6) At your VPS: edit the xsn.conf


nano ~/.xsncore/xsn.conf


merchantnodeprivkey=“dumpprivkey “getnewaddress“ result“

Now we can add the privat key from Step 3) in the xsn.conf file

Step 7) At your VPS: restart your server


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli stop


Step 8) At your VPS: start the merchantnode


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli merchantnode start-alias “merchantnode_name“

Step 9) At your VPS: show the merchantnode config


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli merchantnode list-conf

After 15–30min the PRE_ENABLED status will switch into ENABLED.

Step 10) At your VPS: start the tpos contract


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli setgenerate true 1 true “txid from step 4“

After your PRE_ENABLED status switch into ENABLED you can run these command. Without this command, your merchantnode will not start staking.

Set up your own TPoS-Contract at your VPS; Command summary:

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli getnewaddress “alias” legacy

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli dumpprivkey “getnewaddress result“

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli tposcontract list

nano ~/.xsncore/xsn.conf


merchantnodeprivkey=“dumpprivkey “getnewaddress result“

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli stop


~/.xsncore/xsn-cli merchantnode start-alias “tpos_merchantnode_name“

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli merchantnode list-conf

~/.xsncore/xsn-cli setgenerate true 1 true “txid“

